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But the original Beetle's weight was around 1,500 lbs? What about the VinFas VF 3? Around 2,500 lbs?
Ang mahal naman ng shipping nito. Malamang mga demo o display units. Sa alam ko torque para...
And the original Beetle engine only had a max 40Hp and 88Nm. And there are still a few Beetles and...
But the result of all that torque is just 40 horses.
But the torque of 110Nm is the same as a Honda Brio and higher than 89Nm of a Toyora Wigo.
ask them to correct it, po. they will create a new CR, is what they did to mine years ago. they...
SA finally sent PDFs of the temporary CR and OR almost a month since they were submitted to the...
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But the original Beetle's weight was around 1,500 lbs? What about the VinFas VF 3? Around 2,500 lbs?
VinFast VF 3