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  1. Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lowslowbenz View Post
    Tapos may partner na coke na malamig.

    Pabili na rin ng pork bbq sa kanto ....... :D
    Sabayan na rin ng isaw at cold beer in can,ayos na

  2. Join Date
    Jan 2004
    samahan mo na rin ng rice or pandesal para sa bbq

  3. Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Wag na tikoy malamig na beer saka ihawen mas masarap tapos sabayan ng watch ng PBA hayos na haha

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Count your blessings, or count the stars in the sky... Or if you are working abroad, count your dollars....

  5. Join Date
    May 2011
    Go out on a date with Retz

    Tsikot EB para pasayahin natin c c4u

  6. Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Go out with your family and or your loved one's...

    Sent from my C2305 using Tsikot Forums mobile app

  7. Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Drive kung saan man mapadpad at sabayan ng kinig ng Music.

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2

  8. Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Being idle will force you to our brain's default mode, which in turn will sway you to 'default mood' or negativity, as humans are negatively biased.

    The Drawbacks of Mind Wandering

    Apart from the fact that mind wandering keeps you from being fully present in what you’re doing, there are some other downsides to our brain’s default mode. When we let our minds wander, we typically drift towards negative thoughts and emotions. We’re focused on unresolved problems, conflicts with co-workers and girlfriends, unfulfilled goals, bills to be paid, even an embarrassing moment from ten years ago. Research has shown that even neutral thoughts that arise when our mind wanders tend to be shaded with a negative emotional tone. What’s more, once the negative thought/emotion stream gets going during mind wandering, we tend to fixate and ruminate on those thoughts (like a cow chewing its cud), which pulls us deeper and deeper into a funk.

    Not only do we tend to focus on the negative when our minds wander, that stream of negativity is typically directed at ourselves, because we’re the most common subject of our musings. Mind wandering’s negativity bias and self-focus turns us all into daydreaming Eeyores (“Nobody cares. I’m so sad.”). What’s interesting is that once we start to ramp up our voluntary attention again and shift out of the mind wandering zone, the regions involved with emotional and self-referential preoccupations quiet and we start to feel better. Whenever you’re feeling in the dumps, Grandpa’s admonition to get over yourself and get to work is actually incredibly sound advice.

  9. Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by yebo View Post
    You remind me of me 16 years ago. Sad and alone in a place that is not home. The first step to happiness is to ask yourself what makes you sad.

    Sabi mo your friends left manila, so wala ka nang barkada dyan. Di mo naman sila pwede sundan, magmumukha ka namang kawawa, orphaned. Simple lang yan miss Cathy, find new friends. Alam mo ba that as people grow older their friends also dwindle. And the reason is that people become so attached to old friends, like you are, and become so very afraid to make new ones. Guilty ako dyan. I used to have many, now i can count my friends i see regularly with 1 hand. I don't even make friends at work now, with only few exceptions and they come far in between. Nagsawa na kasi, one build up a relationship then one or the other gets transferred. And i don't see them again. Pero even if i can count my real true friends with one hand, and i can be so aloof when new prospective friends come, i still allow myself that one far in between new friend. But i am old and consider it my earned right to be aloof and grumpy when i choose to be. I am also terribly unforgiving of other people's BS. It comes with the territory i work in kasi. It also comes with age siguro. But you are not me. You are young, and you can choose to have more friends than your number of fingers and toes. Don't wait until you become 50 and wake up one day with only 2 or 1 or none. Find yourself a window shopping buddy. Rollercoaster buddy. Restaurant buddy. Book buddy. Boy watching buddy. Pwede din buddies, mas masaya. And don't worry about your old friends. They will not accuse you of treason if you find new ones.
    This made me cry But I really appreciate all that you said. I made a lot of new friends (mostly colleagues) and I go out with them regularly. It's just different spending time with people you grew up with and shared a lot of milestones with. I realised that as I grow older, it is harder to make friends, nung bata kasi ako basta magkasundo kayo, friends na. Sometimes I just want to let loose and get drunk but this is a side of me that I would only let my closest friends see. I go out with my new friends a lot but I feel like the bond is very shallow, I don't get the comfort that I find from friends that I grew up with. I still email with my close friends every now and then and we'd always say that when we are older (retired etc) magkakasama sama ulit kami

    Still, I don't know if that is the only reason why I am sad.

  10. Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Iniisip ko yung mga kaaway ko para ma over come ko sadness..

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What Do You Do To Overcome Sadness?