My botanical knowledge is like that of a 5 year-old, so go easy on me.

I want to grace our home with live potted plants for the following purposes:
1. Aesthetics
2. To improve indoor air quality

My personal requirements:
1. Low maintenance - It should live with just artificial indoor ambient lighting (LEDs) 95% of the time, with maybe very little indirect sunlight during the morning
2. It shouldn't grow too big - 3-4 feet tall maximum for the living room, a foot or two for the toilet, and maybe 2-3 feet for the bedroom. (Not particularly sure on these figures so I'm open to suggestions)
3. Can coexist with pets - We have a pet dog loose in the house and I definitely don't want a plant that's in any way toxic to canines. On the other end of the spectrum, I also don't want a plant that's known to be edible to canines (if there's such a thing exists), for obvious reasons

Where is the go-to place for buying indoor plants?

Any help is appreciated.