People In Asia Are Sick Of Western ‘Begpackers’ Asking Locals To Fund Their Travels For Them

Travel is truly one of the best things that a person can do – it broadens the mind, fosters empathy with people of all races and cultures and creates memories that last a lifetime. However, travel is a luxury and a privilege that only a fraction of the world's population can afford.

So when Western people, with all the privileges we hold, are found 'begpacking' on the streets of developing countries, it can leave a sour taste. Tourism is a vital source of income in many countries; we should travel in such a way that maximizes the benefits for local people and businesses. Sponging off the kindness of strangers to further our own selfish travel goals is just not on! If you can't afford to travel, stay at home until you earn enough money to do it ethically.

Authorities in some countries have had enough, and now immigration officers on the Indonesian island of Bali have started sending these 'begpackers' to their embassies to get themselves sorted out. "We have seen many cases of problematic tourists, lately they are either Australian, British or Russian," one official said. "We tend to report these cases to the relevant embassies so that they can oversee their citizens who are on holiday."

While we don't know the context behind these pictures - some of these people might genuinely have been a victim of some misfortune - others are clearly just looking for a free ride around the world.

What do you think about this phenomenon? Have you traveled on a tight budget before? Have you ever found yourself needing help in a foreign country? Do you see a problem with this kind of 'begpacking?' Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Saw This Foreigner Begging To Travel To Thailand Next To An Elderly Woman Who Is Collecting Junk In Order To Resale To Survive

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In A Very Working Class Neighbourhood That Has Been Especially Hard Hit By The Typhoon How You Have The Nerve To Beg For Money To Fund Your Travels Around Asia Is Completely Beyond Me

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Begpacker In Seoul

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Begpacker In Hong Kong

People In Asia Are Sick Of Western ‘Begpackers’ Asking Locals To Fund Their Travels For Them (29 Pics) | Bored Panda