Hope there's no existing thread on this (i've done 6 searches already) I don't know if this belongs to the Thumbs up headquarters, so I leave it to the mods to decide.

Here it goes...

There's a new text service provided by LTO/Stradcom to verify authenticity and status of a motor vehicle or driver's license holder.

For Vehicle verification:
Text: LICENSE PLATE <license plate number> (no spaces) and send to 2600 P 2.50 per text. You will receive in about 20 seconds the Make, Model, Year, Color and will know if there's an existing apprehension or LTO alarm.

For Driver's license information:
Text: LTO LICENSE <license number> (no spaces/dash) and send to 2600 P 2.50 per text. In 20 seconds or so, you will receive information regading license validity, existing apprehension (if any) and LTO alarm (if any).

I find the License plate service very convenient for those seeking authenticity or matches on the plate number or any aprehension record of any vehicle you are about to purchase. For the license service, it's convenient for those hiring drivers to check the authenticity of the applicant's driver's license. No need to cue up in an LTO office anymore.

Thumbs up to the LTO!
