Hi all, I've owned a Toyota vehicle only for a few months and am noticing something regarding the casa prices and services. Joining some FB groups and reading stuff here, it seems that the prices & services across Toyota casas differ. I'm not talking about unnecessary add-ons like engine flushing, or the icy cool thing they put on the air-con, but just the basic labor and parts for maintenance (lets say oil, filter, 15kPMS labor).

I first became curious when I brought my car in for 1k PMS and got charged higher than expected. IIRC i paid 2900 for semi-synthetic Toyota oil, a filter, no add-ons, and with free labor. Computing backwards, I ended up paying 500+ per liter which feels kind of high. I read of the 1K PMS cost that members here and in FB posted and these varied a lot.

I've also seen posted photos of quotes from different casas in different formats. Some are itemized, some are not, some doesn't even look like it is an official Toyota quotation.

Is this normal with Toyota PH? Should I call around for my next PMS to get the best price?