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  1. Join Date
    Feb 2004
    bai, may parang nga sentence ko eh :hihihi:

  2. Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I call it self-preservation. Power corrupts!

  3. Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I don't think that any elected officer including the president of the country is priviledge to issue an statement that they are the best to lead their office. Its the electorate who should judge as to whether the public official have done their job or not. As dutiful taxpayer I'm not happy with how this country is being managed and feel that the taxes I'm paying is not being used to make for the good of the country.

  4. Join Date
    Mar 2003
    "Arroyo: I'm best person to lead"


  5. Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hay... naku kung meron mang papalit, and VP lang talaga yun. Talagang gigil na gigil na ang mga pulitiko na tuloyan na tayong maging banana republic ano.

    Peso is recovering now and all of the sudden we self destruct!
    Last edited by CoDer; February 22nd, 2006 at 10:32 AM.

  6. #16
    based on Arroyo's statement mukhang tuloy na ang charter change hehehe

  7. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I guess she's telling it like it is.

    Can anyone point to a better leader?

    If yes, where are they now and what are they doing? Did they run during the last election?

    If none, could we just please shut up and go to work for the betterment of our nation?

  8. Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sabi ng divided opposition na si ERAP para sa mahirap/Tito sotto or Susan roces w/ Cory Aquino as adviser daw ang best alternative..............action/drama and comedy ang politics natin!

    LORD sana kuhanin nyo na ang mga excess Politicians sa bansa namin!PLS. lang po!

  9. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The more Filipinos who embrance the "OUST THE PRESIDENT" movement, the more this country will take backward steps or stay stagnant... Regardless of who sits.

    I'm not pro-GMA at all, but think about it, there's no way ANYONE can run this stupid government to any forward-direction without ample time... The only way to do that (quick turnaround) is to implement an iron-fist, which, again, Filipinos will just complain once again.

  10. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    if she's the duly elected representative of the people (and yes, i know that many dispute the election results) then people have no choice but to accept her rule until her term is over.

    if the mob majority will always want to change governments for one reason or the other, then forget about calling the philippines a democracy and just do some kind of hybrid anarchist/dictatorship government.

    the president is the president regardless of whether you voted for him/her or not.

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Arroyo: I'm best person to lead