Every summer time in the US i go and work there... But this year my kid(4 yrs old) will be going to preschool and nobody is gonna take her so i'm pretty much inclined to bring her to school ...

here's the thing I still wanna work while i'm here . One thing though, i can only work night shift because my wife works daytime and nobody will care for our kid ( we take pride in bringing up our own kid ourselves and not let the maid do that job) so one of us have to work nightshift and she has a good paying job that it's not gonna be easy to just let it go...

Call center comes to mind .... i work nightshift then come home daytime and bring my kid to school...

considering what i make everytime i go back to the states my income from a call center job won't be comparable ... Should i just be a stay at home husband for the meantime or should i just go out and work and not be considered a freeloader hehehe...

what would you do?