Hello forum members! I hope you can help me here.

My youngest son encouraged me to install PayMaya. Later, I was obligated to use their "upgraded account" so that I can use all full features. I needed to submit an ID and take pictures, including a video where you look left and right then nod twice.

I got a virtual card and used it for Lazada. It is very convenient as I don't have to look for my physical card to copy the CVV. Yes, those 3 numbers that I always forget.

For those who are using GCash, what's the difference? I don't want to install it unless I will be "forced" by circumstances. I hope you can share your experience, which is more convenient for you.

Another question, a question from a man living in a cave, how do you pay your credit card in BPI? I find it so frustrating to use the BPI mobile application. When I click, "Pay Full Amount",

I will be redirected to this page:

It's so disappointing that the full amount is not copied, although I clicked "Pay Full Amount". Isn't it that it should be an automatic input? Now, I have to go back and copy the numbers! Then, there's the "select biller" tab. I know this is easy, and it should be easy but I can't figure it out.

I'm ashamed to admit, but I called BPI thrice because first, I forgot my username and twice because I couldn't reset my password. Of course, twice I have forgotten my password!

I couldn't reach their customer service representative and so I'm asking here. All I got was a busy tone.

And speaking of which, anyone here have decided to close their account? Or credit card is the best way to make purchases? My problem with credit card is, I always forget about it. I don't know, I just prefer to pay in cash. It's hassle free in a sense that once I pay, it's already paid. With a credit card, I have to pay "twice". I pay for items through credit card, then pay again for the credit card.

Another inquiry is about ShopBack. Anyone here who have used this? This time, I got it from my eldest son. He said I should use it before I make any purchases on Lazada to get discount. Were you able to get the accumulated discounts?

And with ShopBack, I get the advertisement for the ING Bank. I'm a bit tempted to try it because of the promo of 1000 cashback. Anyone here who have that? Please share your experience.

One last question, and I hope this is the last, which one do you find more convenient, Shopee or Lazada? It may be in terms of returning an item, contacting the seller, etc.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.