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  1. Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The term "RICE" is now being widely misused. Some idiots throw the term "rice" around too much without knowing what it's suppose to mean.

    An automobile that has been equipped with gawdy, unnesecary accessories, such as 3' high spoilers, loud and/or repulsive paint job and body work. Owners of such automobiles feel that these accessories make their car the best in the world, when in fact it is not.

    any modification that is supposed to make a car look fast, when in fact it does nothing for speed, and may in fact hurt performance, or any vehicle that has been subjected to this treatment. note that any make of vehicle may be "riced". gaudy, pointless, absurd body modifications and paint schemes, annoying bees hive exhaust tips. asians are the best at "ricing" a vehicle, along with spoiled rich white high-school teenagers.

    Rice is a term used to describe a trend in the modern, American, car culture. An offshoot of the true underground street racing scene of the late 80s, where people want to become a part of the scene, though they were never really involved in it at the beginning. So when some one puts what would be considered Rice on their car it is in an effort to fit into the image of the street racer. The cheapest way to look like this way is with purely sensory modifications, Altezza lights, large muffler tips without any exhaust modifications, wild paint, wild body kits, spoilers, mismatched badges and stickers, large flamboyant rims, excessive stereo, etc.
    Anything that would appear to add performance, but in reality does not.Though any care can be “riced” it usually occurs with sport compact cars both domestic, and foreign. The ricer modifies his or her car to please others, rather then himself, they are more concerned that their car looks fast, that if it is fast.

  2. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Rice is the staple food of most Asian countries

  3. Join Date
    Jul 2005
    ^^^ good one Sir Boybi,you get a priZe

  4. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    ano kaya yung prize? errr, did you typed price?

  5. Join Date
    Jul 2005
    opo Sir Boybi ..mali PRIZE pala

    sorry po ..tao lang

  6. Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i remember the good ol james chavez '

  7. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    rice is brembo brake stickers on stock (but painted red!) calipers :bwahaha:

  8. Join Date
    Jul 2005
    brembo stickers slapped on calipers? meron ba nun?

  9. Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Here's a good website sorry if it's a repost ;)

  10. Join Date
    Oct 2004
    dba riceboy is a racist term pertaining to all asians who can't afford a real sports car so they dress up their mom's hondas instead. also into japanese imports... etc.,

    Kahit ano pa set-up mo maganda o baduy, sa mata ng puti, riceboy ka pa rin.

    we fondly use it to call baduy car owners. it's like other black people calling other people niggers. we are all niggers.


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