Hi All!

Last night I was at Petron at Makati Ave. cor Buendia as I was going to get some dinner.

The parking slots were full so I waited for an opening since I didn't want to double park and inconvenience anyone.

When the parking attendant pointed out a car about to leave, I turned on my hazzard lights and backed up a bit so the guy could get out.

Before the guy could go out, here comes a red (maroon?) Mazda 3 with plate number XTN-980 and it blocked my way and the guy coming out.

I honked my horn and the driver backed up the car really fast and almost ran over the parking attendant all the while still blocking my way.

After the guy left, the Mazda proceeded to take the slot I waited for. :mad:

When I complained to the attendant and the guard present, the driver (a woman no less) and the passengers quickly disembarked and went on about their business pretending that they didn't do anything wrong.

Luckily, there was another vehicle that left and I was able to park.

I quickly chastized the attendant for not telling the Mazda that I was there first and the guard simply disappearded when he realized their mistake.

I left a note on the windshield stating that they should prcatice proper parking ettiquette and not take the space that someone else waited for and to fall in line next time!

After dinner, as I was headed back to my rig, I saw that the Mazda was pulling away and they didn't seem bothered by what they did and they even seemed proud that they did it

Some people really are scum!

I was tempted to key both sides of the car but decided against it.

How would you have handled this kind of situation?

Please be on the look out for these schmucks in the event that you are parking and know that they will get the spot you have so patiently waited for.