last night i was going about my business on facebook, talking to friends and family when i saw a post on my timeline by someone i didn't know. after a few clicks i realized it was the wife of a FB friend. she posted videos of drag racing activities along macapagal avenue. now i realize that racing is cool and all, but the audacity of sharing such videos when everyone knows very well is illegal is so blunt and bold that it borders on the stupid. like providing evidence to the world of who they are and what they do. since they wanted to share their videos, i decided to share them as well, on my blog. i wrote a post that included screen caps and even the drag racer's FB page. Apparently it was their way of promoting their car shop named garage manila. i also included a link to the DOJ website detailing why it is illegal.

i pass by macapagal every now and then when i see a movie at imax or when i have a little gambling fun at solaire. i wouldn't want to be hit by these very irresponsible people just because they need to have their adrenaline rush. please not on the expense of the public's safety.