We are an OFW family but visit 1-2 times a year. Each visit is travel intensive in the sense that we hit the road all day everyday to visit friends, family, and attend events (good mix of urban and rural trips).

The upcoming tax increase has put us in a position where we are wanting to purchase a car of our own to keep for at least 15 years (all the cars in my family stay with us for 15 years at least).

The choices are down to the following, labelled the wife's choice as well:

HUSBAND: Mazda 6 wagon, Levorg
WIFE: Forester base, Tucson

Our most common ground is the Forester, but I am not "feeling" this because the body is quite dated and I'd rather wait for the next one to come out --- by which time it may be too late.

The Tucson is something I can run with, but I have heard that it comes with many issues after the 5 year mark, issues that servicing will have a hard time addressing (true?).

Given that these models leave me and my wife at an impasse, can you recommend a few that tick these boxes:

1. Less than 2M
2. Potentially timeless design -- won't look "old" in 10 years (I think the 06 Altis qualifies)
3. Quality - won't have nagging mechanical issues assuming we service on time all the time, and take proper care of the vehicle

Would be great to hear your thoughts on this!