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  1. Join Date
    Feb 2005
    guys, hanggang saan point ba sa temp gause ang overheat? kahit ba over lang ng konti sa middle point overheat na yun? 3/4? or dun sa red line? hope somebody can clarify,tia!

  2. Join Date
    Feb 2008
    if its above normal level, meaning its running hotter than usual. pag 3/4 na, malapit na mag overheat yan. pag red na. overheat na.

  3. Join Date
    Sep 2008
    kung nasa red line na, means start na ng overheat. in between that line and the normal line indicator na yan na meron problema. cheers

  4. Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Basically, that's it. It's not "overheating" per se until it's at the red line. But if it goes even slightly above normal, the best thing to do is pull over and check for reasons for it being above normal... low coolant, stuck fans, etcetera... because ignoring abnormal temperature variations, no matter how small, can lead to disaster in the future.

    Ang pagbalik ng comeback...

  5. Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Matanong ko lang mga sir!

    I was stupid enough to ignore the disconnected water pump gauge for three days now (I was too lazy to reconnect it since I can't touch it when the engine's hot).

    This morning, while I was parking the car in the office, steam suddenly (and persistently) fumed out of the hood. After I parked the car, I saw a considerably short trail of water from where I did the maneuver and I was right, when I popped the hood, that it came from the radiator reserve tank.

    Found out my radiator fan got stuck up again. After a few attempts, I managed to desperately do its electricals. But I'm sure it won't work again this afternoon, so I might as well leave the car there.

    Pardon the novel and here's the question:

    Would that [obviously, the overheating due to the coolant reaching intolerable boiling point and steaming out] do my engine internals any harm?

    This is the first time it happened, but the engine already clocked 200,500 kms on the odometer.

    Any other headache to expect aside from the cylinder hear gasket replacement?


  6. Join Date
    Aug 2006
    To Isa 1023

    Usually if your engine reaches overheat or almost the rubber oil seals, hoses, belts etc... tend to brittle.

    Sa Exsior ko nag almost red line but prevented but after a few months the oil seals started leaking along with the valve cover gasket.

    I ended up replacing the following of precautionary measures and to prevent more expensive repairs

    Crankshaft oil seal
    valve cover gasket
    camshaft oil seal
    various hoses

    and many more some should change cylnder head gasket but that is if you severely overheat na. Have your mechanic check it thoroughly.

  7. Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Got it!

    Thanks Cobalt!

what level is overheat?