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  1. Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Here it comes - the New Year. Are there any resolutions you have set for yourself?

    I have resolved to do more DIY work on the cars that are my "toys". Tends to be less DIY and more pass to the mechanic for me of late.

    Also I resolve to take my gym time more seriously rather than let it be a waste of money. Feeling sluggish over the holidays. Plus am not getting any younger. With that in mind my hard new year's resolution is to complete a triathlon this year.

    What have you resolved to do?

  2. Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I resolve to take much better care of my Jazz. I sort of neglected my old SX8 City, but that's also because I didn't have the money to spend on maintaining it as religiously as I should have (80% of my time with it was when I was in college).

    I resolve to save more of my money.

    I resolve not to fret about looking for love any's counterproductive and a massive waste of time.

  3. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    -never to be late at work and other commitments
    -manage finances more efficiently
    -avoid... never use credit card except for emergency
    -work-out/exercise more frequently and religiously. Target is toned 165-170 lbs. 5'10" height ko. In preparation for summer... Holy Week Boracay, here we come!!!
    Last edited by edzzz; December 30th, 2007 at 03:46 PM.

  4. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    - Waking up early and return to my early morning, serious gym routines.
    - Shoot more pics.
    - Concentrate on financial plan
    - Be less cynical :P

  5. #5
    1. Quit Smoking.
    2. Savings (preparation for marriage)
    3. Lose Weight.

What is your New Year's Resolution?