
What agency is in charge of buying and installing those traffic lights with timers?

Many traffic lights have them already.

But it appears some critical intersections avoid that for some reason. Here is the interaction of C.M. Recto Avenue and Avenida (Rizal avenue) near Arranque,


There are about 10 MTPB traffic enforcers with eagle eyes guarding that interaction and if you so much as cross the yellow line even after your car is already beyond the mark and it is yellow. You will be charged with beating the red light.

I was caught twice. And avoided that intersection but sometimes have to take it and anxious if the traffic sign will suddenly change to yellow just when crossing it.

Until now. There is no countdown or timer installed when the streets beside it have them already. It is either the enforcers with connections to the timer agency requesting not to put it (so they can earn from or many huii) or it is city hall itself who doesn't want the timer installed so they could earn from a lot of beating red light penalty? Which of this is likely? Can't Mayor Isko Moreno do something about this?

Does anyone know him personally or the agency involved that can put the timer once and for all. Please forward him this message or inform them about this. Thank you.