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    Jul 2006
    Dangerous secret in the colored straws
    Posted Feb 16, 2008 by Hannie

    This horrible story of mine goes back to year 2005 March.
    I ordered a Club Sandwich and a Sprite in a restaurant somewhere in Manila
    When I finished half of the sandwich, I sipped the sprite.
    But it didn't taste like the ordinary sprite I used to drink.
    So I sipped once more, but it still tasted the same.
    It tasted like sprite mixed with some kind of oil.
    I called the clerk and asked him if the sprite was expired. He said it was just delivered today. So I asked him to taste it. Then he also found that something was wrong with it.
    Both of us were wondering for a while. Then I got to look inside the straw.
    There were a lot of tiny black round things that looked like eggs.
    So I cut the middle of the straw lengthwise to have a better look.
    Yuck. There were a lot of tiny black round things in it.
    I suppose they were eggs of cockroach. About 1000 eggs were there.
    Then we began to check all the other straws in the straws case one by one.
    Almost all of them contained black eggs that seemed to be either the cockroach eggs or excretions.
    After the incident I began to check all the straws in the restaurants and fast food chains that I had gone to.
    Almost of all the straws contained the same black eggs.
    Especially the darker the colors of straws, the more black eggs were found.
    In black straws, extreme amount of black eggs were found.
    It was found out that it ¡s because the cockroaches live (hatch eggs and excrete) in dark places.
    Last edited by russpogi; April 16th, 2008 at 04:14 AM.

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