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  1. Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i like mars more than i like snickers.

  2. Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumusut_Amige View Post

    don't tell me you actually believe that

    the search for life on mars isn't funded by the billionaires. and it's SCIENCE, the search for what's probably the most important question: the origins of life on earth. what has improved the lives of billions around the world? yep that's science

    so why aren't we saving the starving people in africa and nokor? it's geopolitics and tribal behaviour that's built into every human being i.e. apathy towards people of other tribes. hard to fix this coz it's built into our operating system

  3. Join Date
    Oct 2006
    NASA Seeking Applications for Year-Long Simulated Mission to Mars

    Needless to say, NASA’s going to be picky about who it selects for the CHAPEA simulations, as it will adhere to its standard criteria for choosing astronauts. The space agency is seeking “healthy, motivated U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are non-smokers, age 30 to 55 years old, and proficient in English for effective communication between crew and mission control.”

    Sorry smokers, you don’t get to go to fake Mars, but as NASA writes at the CHAPEA application page, the selection process is stringent:

    Finalists will undergo medical evaluations, psychological testing, and psychiatric screening to determine suitability for a physically and mentally demanding long-duration isolation mission. All exams and their associated expenses will be arranged and paid for through NASA. Candidates will not be selected if they have any food allergies, avoidances, or gastrointestinal disorders, as these cannot be accommodated on a long-duration mission. Candidates must be willing to provide requested biological samples on required days and must eat the spaceflight-like diet provided during the mission. Candidates must not be prone to motion sickness with virtual reality equipment. Candidates on specific medications will be disqualified: Examples- blood pressure medications, blood thinners, seizure medications, daily allergy medications, diabetic insulin daily, sleeping aids, ADHD/ADD medications, antidepressants, anxiety medications. Food supplements will not be permitted during the mission. Vitamin D is provided during the missions. All other vitamins are available in the spaceflight food system and added vitamins are not permitted. Candidates will be required to have a COVID-19 vaccine and show proof of full vaccination. Candidates will be required to get their own COVID-19 PCR test and show proof of a negative test. Participants will be required to follow COVID-19 Risk mitigation protocols current to the JSC campus upon visiting.

    Participants also need to have a master’s degree in a STEM field and two years worth of professional STEM experience, or 1,000 hours piloting experience.

    These faux-astronauts will be compensated for their efforts, but specifics were not provided. The application process opened on August 6, 2021 and will close September 17, 2021. You can apply here, where you’ll find the rest of the job requirements.

    How to Apply | NASA

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