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  1. Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hala kayo, galit ulit si sir GH...

  2. Join Date
    May 2008
    judging from the number of quotes or references to this site, i believe this source is reliable. but then again, confirmation from other sources would be prudent. so here goes...

    Water4gas scam

    Water4gas scam? I have received a lot of e-mail questions about this product, because I have provided a link to it. This subject also has been discussed heavily on the Internet. Well, I decided to shell out the $97 and purchased the two books about turning water into a usable fuel. I understand why the Internet community is having problems believing that water 4 gas is genuine. With all the junk on the wild web you have to be careful. I could be king of the Internet if I came out and said this system was a full-blown scam.
    But after reading the two books plus the bonus book, which total just fewer than 400 pages of facts and information about turning water into fuel. It's hard to call the water4gas system a scam. But Hang in there because this product is not perfect and I will tell you why through out this page!
    What the website may not make clear is that you are not purchasing a ready to install system. What you are paying for is an education in ways to increase your fuel economy plus the directions to build your own hydrogen on demand system.

    Here are 2 videos that explain both the principles of the water for gas system and also show water4gas installed and operating in a real world test. Both videos are independent productions and the total run time is only 5 minutes.

    You can read on to hear more of my opinion on this water fuel subject or visit the website now by Clicking Here

    It is a proven fact that you can have success at increasing your fuel economy. And these books go way beyond hydrogen gas production with out going into the basics like pump up your tires and change your air filter stuff you see all over the net
    Water4gas scam: After reading all of the material I was left with the impression that this hydrogen system cannot only work but is also a very good idea.
    I do think that the system has room for improvements. And this is the nice part of the water 4 gas system. It teaches you enough about the subject of turning water into hydrogen gas so you can make adjustments that fit your application and availability of components.
    For example, a plastic mason jar that is the main component of the system and actually produces and collects the brown hydrogen gas certainly has room for improvement.
    For my system I visited a junkyard and grabbed a coolant recovery tank from an E-350 and will be modifying the top of it to hold the components. This will be a more reliable and stronger set up than the light-weight plastic mason jar.
    What I also liked about the water4gas books was they contained information about expanding the basic hydrogen system into a mega system that includes many different ways of increasing fuel economy that can be combined on the same vehicle.

    Example of water4gas tips

    One example is the fuel heating system. It has been recognized for years that heating the fuel will expand the fuel molecules and provide increased fuel economy. To prove my point it is commonly recommended that when you fill your fuel tank you do so in the morning, when the gas stations in ground fuel tank is cooler providing a denser fuel per gallon.
    If you were to purchase the fuel at the end of a hot summer's day, you would actually receive less fuel for your dollar due to the expansion of the fuel from heat.
    So the ideas in the book are to buy the fuel cold and heat it before it enters the combustion chamber. This is the same principle as buying low and selling high (well slightly modified)
    Is water4gas scam or real?

    After reading the three books, it's hard to call the water4gas system a scam. So much effort was put into testing the systems and providing information about it that it's hard to consider it anything but valuable. I believe that some people are calling water for gas a scam because they expect more than a book. Visitors to the website more than likely quickly look at the pictures and expect a ready to go package to be delivered.
    This is not the case; the books provide pictures and part numbers and places to buy the items needed to build your own system and instructions on how to install it.
    After doing some research on the basic part of the system I have found that it operates very similar to alcohol injection kits that have been available for racecars for many years.
    Alcohol injection kits can be very expensive, costing up to $600. The water for gas website has found a less expensive way to build and install a system that will increase fuel economy. Plus you can continue to expand the system at your own pace to further increase your miles per gallon.
    Should you buy water4gas books?

    As fuel prices reach record highs, alternative means for increasing fuel economy is a necessary marketplace. The two books provided at the water for gas website provided me with the motivation to pursue learning more about the subject and start building a fuel efficiency system. So to answer the question, water4gas scam. You will have to make your own decision on that subject, because the word scam means different things to different people.
    Can you buy the books, learn about extracting hydrogen gas from water to be burned in your engine, build and install a fuel efficiency increasing system that will raise your average fuel economy, the answer is yes.
    The author of the book has taken a lot of time to research the subject and try out many different ways of implementing a brown gas hydrogen system that will work on any gas burning car or truck.

    Water4gas scam: The books come with a money back guarantee, but I will not be returning my copies. I wouldn't feel right, returning these books after what they have taught me.
    You will have to make your own decision on whether learning about cutting edge ways to increase fuel economy is worth the price tag and right for you.
    I do know this, gas prices will be going much higher and we all need to do something to fight back.
    The oil company's and car manufacturers would have you believe that water 4 gas is a scam and nothing can be done to increase fuel economy. This is not true. People who think outside the box and take action are making new rules for average fuel economy.
    Water4gas scam update: The money back guarantee is sponsored by the secure payment processor not the owner of the website. You can get your money back with no troubles.

    Learn more about the water4gas system. View sample pages and read some testimonials from actual users? " click the banner "


    very interesting... just looking for other articles confirming this... from what i understand this is not an alternative fuel device, it just enhances the fuel to make it more efficeient, so less fuel is needed at the same RPM setting when it is unmodified.


    Last edited by ghosthunter; June 7th, 2008 at 07:30 PM.

  3. Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Baket mapilit ang mga tao na madali lang i-separate ung H sa H20?

  4. Join Date
    May 2008
    based on the readings i provided, this setup is not producing H from H20, but producing HHO from H20.

    From wikipedia: Oxyhydrogen is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, typically in a 2:1 atomic ratio, the same proportion as water.[1] This gaseous mixture is widely used for torches for the processing of refractory materials.

    A pure stoichiometric mixture is most easily obtained by water electrolysis, which uses an electric current to dissociate the water molecules:
    electrolysis: 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2combustion: 2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O The energy required to generate the oxyhydrogen always exceeds the energy released by combusting it. (See Electrolysis of water:Efficiency).

    yeah, sure it says the energy to produce the HHO is higher than the energy generated by HHO, but what if the energy required to produce it comes from wasted energy? basically you're getting something from nothing (something productive from something wasted).

  5. Join Date
    Jan 2006
    atleast air powered vehicle is true, though needed more improvements pa.

    designed by a formula one ex-engineer.

    Last edited by rion; June 7th, 2008 at 02:32 PM.

  6. Join Date
    Feb 2008
    water is good source of power. there's no doubt about that.

    remember the baghdad battery from the ancient times, parang palayok lang yun na may konting tubig and it produces less than 1 volt or electricity.

    the odd thing was that people of ancient baghdad, as in egyptian pyramid time ancient, had each of this contraption in their homes. up to now, hindi pa din malaman ng experts kung san ginamit ng ancient people eto. some say it's the first invention of the lamp. some exaggerate na it powers the entire home.

    light is also a good source of power. and it is believed to power the Ancient City of Atlantis. Atlantis is like New York of modern times but 100 times more advanced bec. they used light energy, a very abundant energy source. why bec. like water, it's available everywhere.

    now why despite all of these marvelous inventions, these two ancient societies still became extinct? perhaps these two energy sources have more than meets eye. it may be bigger than we think if we try to explore or exploit it. so big that it can drive us to extinction ...


    now back to our modern society setup, there is a reason why we use oil and fossil fuels as the primary source of energy. bec. it's controllable and it can only run one thing: MACHINES. we can't use oil/fossil fuel to run living things like plants, animals, microorganisms and the greatest machine of all: the HUMAN BODY.

    water and light do have a very important role in running the latter. so pls. stop dreaming or thinking that water is a good alternative of oil. we may open Pandora's box.

    contrary to popular belief that oil/fossil fuel is the premiere source of energy of our present civilization. hindi din po, it's still light. why bec.

    -we all work during the day and not at night. and those who work at night still need light.

    -our eyes need light to distinguish the different colors of cosmic light

    -our telecommunications became possible bec. of a web of undersea fibre optics connecting continents together.

    -all fields in medical science nowadays seem to be driven and going into the direction of laser-aided type of curing.

    -our fast dissemination of information like TV, LCD's, monitors, phones, message ads, media recording as well as storage optical discs are all possible bec. of the power of the light.

    -recent experiments in Australia showed that they have managed to teleport a small matter by increasing the intensity of lasers.

    -isolated homes in the mountains without power cables can still run like the 21st century if they install solar cells.

    -Wind is only possible if there is reaction of environment pressures which also involves cosmic light. so yun mga wind propellers dun sa Ilocos still have to thank light as an important ingredient to create energy.

    now why can't normal people realize this? bec we are toned down in such a way so as for most of us to believe that without oil/fossil fuels, we cant survive. pero ang totoo talaga we still use the ancient techs/elements pero wag lang sana maabuso.

    sometimes I even scare myself for saying this and knowing this. pero gusto talaga mag-audition sa secret society ngaun, the Illuminati.

  7. Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ^ i guess u have found enlightenment... congratulations dude.

    i'm still trying to figure out where human civilization is headed.

  8. Join Date
    May 2008
    patience is a virtue...

    or maybe, patience and persistence are virtues of the open-minded few, using the tools at their fingertips to search for the answers to the questions haunting them.

    using google with the keywords HHO, i checked page after page, then i got to page 8, with the search result:
    Boost mileage with HHO gas - Ford Modifications Website - www ...

    Fordmods: The Ford Modifications Website. Featuring technical information, modifications, specifications, news, and a public forum for all popular ... - 96k -

    and i'm only just on page 2... anyone wants to join me in reading this and perhaps debunk what myths there may be?

  9. Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Xyko... I noticed you're new here in Tsikot...

    where are you in Davao?... I was born there.

    by the way... Daniel Dingel was a friend.

  10. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I have posted something on another thread:

    And I think part of the posted message answers why water4gas is a myth.

    Hydrogen is promising but it is still very costly to implement into personal transport use. For one, although hydrogen is one of the most common elements in the universe but it is mostly found bonded to another element which forms a very stable compound. It takes a lot of energy to split hydrogen from it's stable bond. A major part of the cost of hydrogen will be the cost to produce that energy. Solar and wind might be "free" (once the systems are installed) but the amount of power produced is not enough to produce hydrogen on the scale to fuel a small town, much less to fuel a city full of cars.

    Second problem of hydrogen is the energy density is very low if it is left uncompressed. The solution is to compress hydrogen so that a "full tank" of hydrogen will give you a reasonable range. Unfortunately that hydrogen tank will become quite large and heavy with insulation. A smaller tank is fine for short trips but you will not be driving long distances on hydrogen yet in your personal car.

    Third problem of hydrogen is the system to use it. Although a standard internal combustion engine can be used, it's conversion of chemical to mechanical energy is relatively poor. The more efficient alternative is the fuel-cell which converts free hydrogen/oxygen into water and produces electricity at the same time. Sounds great but fuel cell technology is still expensive and not yet practical for the typical consumer just yet.

    Although I do foresee hydrogen mass and personal transport in the future, I think it would still be more than 15 years down the road before we start seeing practical applications beyond pilot programs used to study it. It would also require the political will to push the development of support infrastructure like enough hydrogen filling stations open to the public so it would be practical to own a hydrogen fueled car.

    For the immediate future, alternative fuels and hybrid cars is the answer. Unfortunately, current hybrid cars are still too expensive for most people to purchase. Alternative fuels, on the other hand, is cheaper and can make use of the existing vehicles. The major obstacle in this is the lack of proper information disseminated to eliminate unfounded fears based on ignorance of the facts.

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Water as Fuel / HHO Technology [Merged Threads]