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  1. Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I think MechWarrior 5 is worth it with the Jump Ship Edition.

  2. Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I wanna play games din. Seems like a lot of fun and I could meet new people. I don't know where to start though?

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

  3. Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Gaming on a tiny Beelink SER5 Max (R7 5800H, Vega 8). Not bad for a PC that fits on my palm. I got mine cheap for about $300 (32GB DDR4-3200, 500GB SSD) over a month ago. Demand must be brisk because the prices went up again.

    Last edited by Jun aka Pekto; December 8th, 2023 at 02:44 PM.

  4. Join Date
    Oct 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by _Cathy_ View Post
    I wanna play games din. Seems like a lot of fun and I could meet new people. I don't know where to start though?

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
    I would say you have three options to play games: PC, console, and handhelds which I will talk about last. Current gen consoles these days offer really good price to performance. Taking the PS5 for example, it beats any PC you could build new for the same budget of ~25k. If you could get some good deals on FB marketplace for some used PC parts or even a prebuilt then I suppose you could possibly come close to what current consoles have to offer. However, if you already have a decent PC, I'd say start there. If you have a budget of I'd say 50k or more for PC (just a guesstimate, may be wrong), I'd say go for PC just because you can do more with it aside from play games, unless you are looking to play a console exclusive.

    Speaking of console exclusives, both platforms do have their own exclusives, meaning that some games on PC are not available on PS5/Xbox One X and S and the other way around. If you have a specific game you really want to play and no PC or console yet, you could check its availability and it will help you choose what platform to get.

    The downside of a console is that it can play games and possibly stream videos on youtube and browse the web (I think, my old PS3 could do it but unsure about current gen) but that's it. You can't do any work on it so it's only purpose is for gaming. Consoles also aren't upgradable unlike PCs which you can upgrade down the line. Another thing to consider is price of games. I don't know about now but around 10 years ago when my PS3 was still going strong, I vaguely remember that console games were more expensive than their PC counterpart. Maybe the pricing is equal now but it's worth checking. Also, for the less ethical route, cracking games is much easier on PC (if you know what you're doing but if you're a beginner I don't really suggest it, lots of cracked games have trojans if you get them from the wrong site).

    As for handhelds, I have no experience with them at all, but watching review on YT, they seem to offer good price to performance too, as well as the fact that you can bring them wherever you want and play anywhere. To be honest though, I personally would probably just get a console instead, never really got into the idea of handhelds.

    There is also a lot more to talk about but I won't be getting into it here. As a place to start, all I would say is if you already have a decent PC, use it. Buy some games on Steam, try them, and refund them if you don't like it. You can also go the console route if you want, or even handhelds.

  5. Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Good one


  6. Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Tekken 8 is coming. I hope it lives up to the hype. Tekken 7 was wildly successful (it did have a pandemic to help it out, though).

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PC and Console Games Thread