An Early Christmas: eBay Scam Victim Gets a Free Xbox One

“Be careful what you buy” — online purchasing has been around since before Jeff Bezos was shoveling books out of his garage, and people have become increasingly more trusting with online purchases as legitimate business cement their presence. Despite your favorite Nigerian Prince still going on about his inheritance, the general market is perceived as mostly honest.

Recently, a young man by the name of Peter Clatworthy made an online purchasing mistake by paying the equivalent of $735 for a printed picture of an Xbox One. Peter clearly should have paid more attention to the listing that stated he was buying a mere photo of the console, but he was a victim of a scam nonetheless. Fortunately for poor Peter, he managed to achieve viral vengeance by having both his money refunded and the “scammer” banned from e-Bay. To top it all off, he was gifted an actual Xbox One from the people at CeX, a second-hand electronics store located in the UK.

Although all buyers should be careful about what they purchase, especially in a virtual environment, the generosity associated with the act is positive and supports good faith. However, it also supports a good image for CeX, which doesn’t exactly hurt either, taking into account the popularity of the tale.

While everyone who’s been ripped off hasn’t been refunded (or refunded and given an Xbox), it’s assuring to know that there’s still some Christmas Spirit, accompanied by partial faith in humanity, left in the world and that little things like this can happen.

Source: Pixelvolt | An Early Christmas: eBay Scam Victim Gets a Free Xbox One
Pixelvolt | An Early Christmas: eBay Scam Victim Gets a Free Xbox One