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  1. Join Date
    Dec 2003
    7 ako

    I dont follow speed limits except if I'm inside our village(strict kase)
    I use signal lights (pero pagayaw pa rin magbigay "see your ride at na lang)
    If its early in the morning I don't follow the traffic light dahil wala naman traffic..
    Minsan dumadaan sa one way na street at ginagawang two-way..hehe
    Last edited by gearspeed; January 23rd, 2006 at 12:09 PM.

  2. Join Date
    Jul 2004
    hmm.. 8 siguro..

    - naglalagay
    - as much as possible, i always follow the signs
    - always use signal lights
    - i think i already ran a red light or two
    - speed limits? minsan ko lang nilabag..
    - counterflow pag pulis ang promotor...

  3. Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I think maybe I'm an 8.
    -I do speed, but only in the absence of traffic, and I always slow down for intersections. I usually limit my speed if there is cross-traffic or if there are pedestrians... and I never act like I'm king of the road (honk honk honk GEToutOFmyWAY).

    -I follow stoplights, but if it's late at night, I stop, look both ways, then cross with caution.

    -I never cross the double yellow line, unless directed to by an enforcer.

    -I obey traffic enforcers. I used to make lagay lagay, but now I don't. You'd be amazed how many enforcers change their mind about giving tickets if you say "LTO? Monday? No Problem." :lol:

    Quote Originally Posted by Jun aka Pekto
    I'm very courteous and try to be law-abiding most of the time.

    But, I do have a weakness. Like Marty McFly (in Back To The Future 1,2 and 3) who can't stand being called "chicken", it's the same with me. When the driver on the next lane starts revving his engine and egging me on, I check out what he's driving. If I feel like I can take him, papatulan ko and I'm normally good at picking my fights. If I knew I'm overmatched, I normally backed off.

    I need to learn to back off, period. I'm not a young kid anymore and I also have a family. Pero, matigas pa rin ang ulo ko, e. Someday, maybe when I'm 50, hopefully.
    Same here!

    Ang pagbalik ng comeback...

  4. Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i suppose i'm an 8.5

    - i don't beat the red light regardless of the hour
    - always use my signal lights a good distance from my turn
    - i don't hog lanes
    - i stick to the slow lane on the highway
    - i follow traffic/road signs
    - i shift lanes a good distance before my anticipated turn
    - i don't tailgate
    - i don't counterflow
    - i don't throw trash on the street
    - i don't double park

    I do my best to follow the rules for my safety, and not for anyone elses.

    BUT, once in a year I'd sometimes get into an argument with a motorist in violation of a traffic rule.

    Although alam ko naman na ako ang mali. Dahil, ang gawain ko sa kalye ay kabaliktaran ng gawain ng tunay na pinoy.

  5. Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I give myself a 7.5:

    - I don't pay bribes.
    - I don't run red lights, not even on deserted roads.
    - I always use my turn signals.
    - I refrain from using the high beams on my headlights, or turn them down once another vehicle is coming
    - I stick to the specified speed limit
    - I take heed of "no left turn" and "no U-turn" areas, as well as one-way streets.
    - I give way to another vehicle when necessary, to the consternation of the vehicle behind me.

    Why such a low score, then? I place paramount importance on my temper behind the wheel, something which I feel I need to improve on, especially when encountering less enlightened motorists.

  6. Join Date
    Jan 2004

    i follow the traffic rules almost immaculately, giving right of way, never bribing(i never see the need since i haven't been flagged), i reduce my speed at the intersections even in the absence of stoplight, keeping the speed limit, signal my intentions clearly. never tail-gate. keep my lane, even follow the road-markings. in short, i drive defensively at all times.

    pero wag lang ako gagawan ng masama(say, bigla akong ka-cut-in, or tumutok sa likod ko at maninilaw). demonyo rin ako pag nagalit.

  7. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I shouldn't rate myself... I might get a negative number. hehehe :D

  8. Join Date
    Nov 2002
    wow.. andaming mataas ah..

    I give 9.5 for kiper..

    Law-abiding driver here.. and uses logic.

  9. Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I rate myself at 6. I recognize my shortcomings and limitations which i'm trying hard to correct or improve on as I see fit. Mababa but it's something to start on. In the end hindi naman tayo ang magre-rate nyan.

  10. Join Date
    Jan 2005
    parang gusto kong mag-negative. :lol:

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Law breaker?!?