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  1. Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Stem cell therapy patient dies at 23; father seeks justice

    “If the doctor of a former president gave you the assurance that your daughter will be cured of cancer after three months of stem cell therapy, would you believe her?” Bernard Tan, entrepreneur and grieving father, posed the question Tuesday. Remaining mum about daughter Kate Tan's death in 2013, Bernard Tan finally decided to break his silence to expose his daughter's stem cell therapist, who is not a licensed physician.

    Kate Tan, cum laude graduate and aspiring writer, underwent stem cell therapy under Antonia Park. Experts say her chemotherapy had no apparent role in the management of her cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma.

    Antonia Park, who was in charge of her treatment, also provided her services to former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

    During Kate Tan's graduation rites, she was too weak to go onstage and receive her medal. She passed away July last year at age 23.

    Bernard Tan decided to tell her daughter’s story, believing it can shed light on a trend that is plaguing many people desperate for a miracle cure.

    Stem cell therapy patient dies at 23; father seeks justice
    Stem cell therapy patient dies at 23; father seeks justice

  2. Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Why the heck will they come up with a hashtag #JusticeForKate. It should be hashtag#Stupidity of a Father. Kate got nothing to do with what she experienced, it was all his father's will that brought her to that quack practitioner. Why the heck he would use the media as his 2nd opinion when his dealing with a medical problem? He got all the reflags but made his analysis at the end not during the time when it's needed most.

    My sympathy goes to Kate but as to the father, he should be be charged of conspiracy or accessory. 2 important points of this news are, the stupidity of the father and stem cell does not cure all problem. In conclusion, may be the father should get a stem cell therapy to fix his brain.

  3. Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Harsh, but true. For something as important as your loved one's life, you HAVE to do your research first and understand what you're getting into. Too many people think that stem-cells are a miracle cure, when they're not.

    Ang pagbalik ng comeback...

  4. Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Everybody is aware that recovering from a cancer is only by luck. The father should have known it. It is no longer an issue whether Park is licensed to practice in the country or not. At least Park tried. The family should have agreed with the treatment or they should not have brought their lovely daughter to her.

  5. Join Date
    Jul 2011
    naiisip ko tuloy.....

    ang masamang damo hindi agad namamatay...

    pero ung mga mababait, maagang kinukuha ni Lord....

  6. Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Can't blame the father, for sure its a family decision. Now that their plan didn't work blaming game starts.

    Still why entrust life of your loved one to a technology that still lacks concrete study?

    battling cancer there's no easy way out.

    RIP kate.

  7. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    BS! In the first place stem cell theraphy is, at best, experimental. If one submits himself to be a guinea pig then he should accept all the consequences.

    The girl died of cancer, period. Light a candle, offer prayers, preserve her memory. Mourn, but don't include other people in your misery. Stupeed!

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Stem cell therapy patient dies at 23; father seeks justice