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  1. Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Stopping by the side of another motorist car, rolling down the window and giving him THE LOOK before zooming off.

    Not giving way for a U turn slot.

    Honking excessively than necessary.

    Rolling down your windows and cursing Jeepney drivers for whatever reason it may be.

    Intentionally blocking someones car door in a tight parking space.

    Threaten someone with a Gun even if you don't have one.

    Using your political affinity/kin to escape MMDA/Traffic Police tickets.

    Bribed law enforcers.


    Give someone the finger sign.

    You TXT n DRIVE. (Same goes for using CP while driving)

    Drinking and Driving.

    iPod on max volume on ear plugs.

    Tailgating habit

    Changing turns without signal.

    Overtaking without using Flash.

    Sped to prevent being overtaken.

    Slowed down to frustrate tailgaters

    Exceeding the road's speed limit

    Not wearing seatbelts (pretending to wear seat belts)

    Cutting pedestrians out even when the pedestrian go signal is green when driving through a left or right turn slot.

    Not doing a full stop BEFORE the designated pedestrian lane(Sometimes stopping exactly on the lane itself) on a yellow light. (Trying to beat the red light)

  2. Join Date
    Oct 2002

    a. i've run a few yellow lights.
    b. i've also tried driving without seatbelts a few times.

  3. Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Driving from a beach party to the nearest Circle K in just my swimming trunks...... and my shades. Riding shotgun and having a bare foot/feet out the window. Having a big No Fat Chicks sign taped to the rear glass of my DSM turbo. I also had the gall to overtake 11 semis/trucks/motorhomes all at once on a 2-lane road. Add: I also flipped off a couple of rednecks for cutting me off back in Oklahoma City. That was a mistake because: 1. The driver probably didn't mean it. But, I was feeling ticked off at the time. 2. Each of them alone were big enough to pulverize me or make me their honey. 3. They were driving a V8 pickup. Me, I was in a Nissan Pulsar which had 55 hp. No contest on which vehicle was quicker. They took offense at my um, birdie and proceeded to chase me all over Oklahoma City. I only got away because it was night and I decided to drive without headlights in a residential neighborhood.
    Last edited by Jun aka Pekto; August 19th, 2008 at 08:58 PM.

  4. #4
    just halfway crossing the street while its still red... bihira na ako magdrive.. mahal gas, lalak gasolina pa auto ko

  5. Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dancingking View Post
    kissed a girl while not looking while driving

    LOL I should put that in the main list

  6. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    malupit si pekto..driving while just wearing swimming trunks. hehehehe.

  7. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    "Exceeding the road's speed limit"

    by more than double the amount :naughty2:

  8. Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Honking excessively than necessary.

    kainis lang sa intersection sa traffic lights ung mga nasa unahan ang bagal kumilos.

  9. Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Keep it coming.... more honest folks please.

  10. Join Date
    Jun 2004
    excessive honking than necessary... kakabwisit kasi yun mga jeep eh

    not wearing seatbelt... naiipit kasi chan ko eh

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Which road misbehavior are u recently guilty of?