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  1. Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by flagg
    Weelll, suing em is better than shooting, arresting, or paying em.
    Exactly. Money, or loss of money via lawsuit, talks. Warrantless arrests and vague threats that are not carried through just attract media attention.

    Know why media can be so noisy about it? Because they know the government doesn't have a leg to stand on with 1017, that's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by morrissey_05
    blame media? media only reflects reality whether good or bad. id blame the powers-that-be anytime of the day. the government and the people must give media a better reality, or else, it will just be "bad" news all the time. (i hesitate to use "good" or "bad" labels, but this is another argument).

    we keep blaming media, GMA, the opposition, etc. when really, we should be blaming OURSELVES. each and every single one of us who does or does not pay taxes correctly. we deserve the government we get because we are so darned APATHETIC about things.

    yes, we don't live in a perfect world. but we ALL should not stop trying to make our world, at least our country, a better place for ALL of us, and not only for ourselves.

    most of us are salaried workers. and that's fine, im one of you. let's all keep working and struggling to make an honest living. but does that mean we should be silent about the things going on around us? absolutely not! we need to demand better from our leaders, we need cleaner elections, etc. or else, we all sink.

    that's the essence of democracy, participation of the people.
    Some of us vote with our heads, but the problem is that a majority votes with their emotions (I'd rather not say "hearts" as "ka-puso" seems to be horribly over-used). The rest of us ca only work to the best of our abilities, counsel our kabayans on responsible voting, and hope for the best.

    You're right, despite the "bias" of media, look beyond this bias and see what is being reported. Read the facts behind the hyperbole and you will see a grain of truth, trickling in not only from the media or the government, but also from many others.

    I have not only seen interviews with anti-government people, but government people also. I watched the AFP's scenario reconstruction of the coup conspiracy.

    I still can't help thinking that they botched it up in regards to public relations. The government message was confused at the beginning of the SONE because they were confused. No coordination, no concrete guidelines for implementation (the guidelines for media are still being written, up to now) and a mixed message being sent to the police and the judiciary. If they had been well prepared, none of this would have happened.

    And remember, the government's side, the new allegations and facts linking the opposition to the Magdalo group, and all the other tidbits supporting the government side are also being reported in the media.

    It's a double-edged sword, and GMA should learn how to wield it (like Ramos did).

    Here's a thought for all of us to ponder:

    Things happen whether you like it or not. For better or worse, information will reach the people through many different channels, through newspapers, TV, radio, SMS, public demonstrations, posters, the internet. If you try to deny people access to these channels, information will be spread in ways that you cannot control.

    Thus, it is in your own best interests to learn how to exploit these sources of information to further your goals, instead of denying them. By denying these sources, you ensure that the only information that reaches the people will be the information that you don't want them to get.

    Ang pagbalik ng comeback...

  2. Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by van_wilder
    the rallies are becoming the new means of blackmailing the president... if your wish is not granted... go to the streets and rally till she resigns or she gives in to your interests... oh God...

    i would not lose hope in this country... during hopeless times, we have to re-invent hope... when everyone thinks we'll fall apart... that is the time when we should stand-up and make a statement... i dunno with the rest of the country... but i'll never give up on this country... even it is self-destructing... even na sinasaktan nila ang mga kapwa pilipino... even nababaliwala ginagawa dahil sa mga paninira nila... one day, we'll all get there... its just a matter of time...

    dude, i like your optimism. i really do, because i feel the same way.

    but i don't think its fair to say just because ppl are going out in the streets, blackmail na yun, and the President should step down. to me, its not as simple as that. she can choose to stay in the Palace, and i think she is doing just that because she learned so much from EDSA 1 and EDSA 2, smart girl that she is.

    protesting is a basic fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution. aint nothing can take that away. if you dont agree with them, live with it. that's their right eh. give it to them na lang, in the same way they give you your right to...something else hehehe.

  3. Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by morrissey_05

    protesting is a basic fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution. aint nothing can take that away. if you dont agree with them, live with it. that's their right eh. give it to them na lang, in the same way they give you your right to...something else hehehe.
    ever wonder why majority of protesters are young people or those below 25, regardless kung class c,d,e,f? even sa hanay ng militar, ang karaniwan protesters mga junior officers and soldiers.

    for Satur, Beltran, Saycon, Gueverra, David and company, hindi na nakakapagtaka kumbakit kabataan lang ang kaya nila hikayatin, very fragile pa kasi pag-iisip ng kabataan. kumbaga fresh from the books. that's why if observe mo rallies nila hindi naman ganun kadami mga kasintanda nila.

    yes protesting is a basic fundamental right, but protesting is also a basic reaction to anger. madaling i-manipulate dont you think?

    Last edited by oldblue; March 8th, 2006 at 01:02 AM.

  4. Join Date
    Apr 2004

    i agree, most of these kids who join rallies are yung mga bagong recruit nila sa movement. kaka indoctrinate pa lang nila sa ideology kaya mejo fanatic pa ang dating. their young so hindi pa nila napaprocess yung ideology na na-feed sa kanila. akala nila yun at yun lang ang solusyon para sa bayan natin. di pa nila naiisip na baka meron pang ibang alternative. so who is to blame, these impressionable kids or the recruiters in the movement?

  5. Join Date
    Apr 2004
    o eto, isa na naman na umiikot na email. pero agree ako dito!

    Sabi naman ng isa pa ay ito:

    I too, am angry. I am angry that there are people like
    you who have become so jaded, so cynical that you
    would rather "lose our freedoms and our rights just to
    move this country forward," meaning wherever GMA and
    her cohorts are taking it.

    Let me make it clear. I don't claim to speak or fight
    for you or the entire Filipino people. I want GMA out
    for the sake of MY rights and MY freedoms. I will
    fight any government that steals MY vote, MY taxes,
    that lies to ME and tramples on MY human rights and
    civil liberties. If you don't want to join me in this
    fight, then don't. I'm sure there are many others who
    believe that government is there to serve the people,
    not rob them blind.

    In accepting GMA for all her failures, at least you're
    honest enough to admit that you have lowered your
    standards about what a leader should be. But please,
    don't drag us down with you. And don't blame Cory or
    the politicians for your pitiable compromises. How can
    you tell me that just because Cory and the rest of our
    leaders screwed us big time, then we should tolerate
    someone like GMA who wants to screw us even more? And
    you justify this by saying you've "taken the moral
    high ground" by forgiving her? That's crazy. It's like
    saying that having an extra-marital affair or sniffing
    shabu is okay because anyway, everybody does it.
    That's definitely as low as anyone's morals can go.

    Oh, but you say GMA has bent over backwards so many
    times. The question is, in what direction? Sure, she
    has accommodated the demands of Jose de Venecia, her
    corrupt and abusive generals, her allies in Congress
    (whose pork barrel funds have been increased), the
    terrorist-obsessed Americans and big business BUT SHE
    PRESIDENCY. Do you honestly think her pathetic "I am
    sorry" speech was a genuine apology? On the contrary,
    she and her officials have stonewalled every
    investigation on her crimes, throwing all kinds of
    obstacles including the "great debate" that is Charter
    change just to divert public attention and obfuscate
    the issues.

    The bottom line, you say, is that the oust GMA
    movement has no viable alternative. More to the point,
    that the alternatives are much worse than a GMA
    presidency. Well, I have good news for you. THERE ARE
    alternatives. The most progressive one is a transition
    council composed of untainted, credible leaders from
    various sectors and parties that will prepare for
    clean, honest and credible elections and initiate a
    number of social reforms.

    I have even better news for you. YOU ARE THE
    ALTERNATIVE. Unless people like you and me act and
    involve ourselves in the process of replacing GMA with
    leaders having the competence and genuine moral
    authority to govern, then indeed we will be stuck with
    political opportunists and/or coup plotters. In the
    final analysis, we will only be as good as the leaders
    we catapult to power. I bet you there are a million
    more Filipinos who can do a better job than GMA.

    But you're really not interested in all these, are
    you, since you yourself say you "don't give a f*&k who
    sits in Malacanang." All you want is that nothing
    disrupts your comfortable middle class existence. To
    hell with the rest of the country. To hell with good
    governance. To hell with civil liberties and human
    rights. All you want is to sip your chilled merlot in

    Fortunately, I'm not like you. I DO care who sits in
    Malacanang and every freaking public office. I care
    what the President does and does not do. I care to the
    point of getting angry whenever a President subverts
    the Constitution, betrays the public trust, engages in
    bribery and corruption, and does everything in her
    power to hide her crimes against ME and the rest of
    the Filipino people. More than getting angry, I FEEL I

    If you don't agree with me, fine. Forget about GMA's
    cheating, about Jose Pidal and other thieves and
    criminals in government, about how our leaders have
    robbed us of our dignity.

    Go ahead, follow GMA's advice to "move on." Better
    yet, stop bitching and get out of my sight. The
    country will be better off without you. Go abroad and
    make some money. You can come back when the dust
    settles. Come back after we have kicked out the
    thieves, political opportunists, and abusive
    government officials. Come back when we have
    transformed your beloved Philippines into a peaceful,
    progressive and sovereign country.

  6. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    hmm nagbabasa kaya ng mga 'open letter' na naka-address sa kanila yung mga politicos?

  7. Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by morrissey_05
    The bottom line, you say, is that the oust GMA
    movement has no viable alternative. More to the point,
    that the alternatives are much worse than a GMA
    presidency. Well, I have good news for you. THERE ARE
    alternatives. The most progressive one is a transition
    council composed of untainted, credible leaders from
    various sectors and parties that will prepare for
    clean, honest and credible elections and initiate a
    number of social reforms.
    While there are some parts of that letter I agree with, this part certainly caught my attention.

    I've been hearing talk of a "demokratikong konseho" or some other sort of transitional council, to replace GMA, especially around peyups. However, talks of such "plans" are ambiguous at best. What exactly do you mean by "untainted, credible leaders from various sectors..."? Sounds to me like some politician answer that's supposed to be politically correct (sounds like it's saying something good, but it doesn't say anything at all).

    We (me and some dormmates) have been asking some of the activists/militants advocating this so called "transitional council". Questions like exactly who will sit in this council, how long will it last, what is this council going to focus on et al. is met by equally vague answers, most of them basically saying "ah, basta, demokratikong konseho ang papalit kay GMA". IMO, this isn't much better than the talk on Cha-cha, they say it's "for our own good" but don't really explain how it'll work!

  8. Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha_One
    I've been hearing talk of a "demokratikong konseho" or some other sort of transitional council, to replace GMA, especially around peyups. However, talks of such "plans" are ambiguous at best. What exactly do you mean by "untainted, credible leaders from various sectors..."? Sounds to me like some politician answer that's supposed to be politically correct (sounds like it's saying something good, but it doesn't say anything at all).

    We (me and some dormmates) have been asking some of the activists/militants advocating this so called "transitional council". Questions like exactly who will sit in this council, how long will it last, what is this council going to focus on et al. is met by equally vague answers, most of them basically saying "ah, basta, demokratikong konseho ang papalit kay GMA". IMO, this isn't much better than the talk on Cha-cha, they say it's "for our own good" but don't really explain how it'll work!

    "transitional council" --> just more political lip service
    Last edited by Bogeyman; March 8th, 2006 at 03:07 PM.

  9. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The bottom line, you say, is that the oust GMA
    movement has no viable alternative. More to the point,
    that the alternatives are much worse than a GMA
    presidency. Well, I have good news for you. THERE ARE
    alternatives. The most progressive one is a transition
    council composed of untainted, credible leaders from
    various sectors and parties that will prepare for
    clean, honest and credible elections and initiate a
    number of social reforms.
    transition council you say?

    this sounds like this was penned by a leftist. hehe!

  10. Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by morrissey_05
    I have even better news for you. YOU ARE THE
    ALTERNATIVE. Unless people like you and me act and
    involve ourselves in the process of replacing GMA with
    leaders having the competence and genuine moral
    authority to govern, then indeed we will be stuck with
    political opportunists and/or coup plotters. In the
    final analysis, we will only be as good as the leaders
    we catapult to power. I bet you there are a million
    more Filipinos who can do a better job than GMA.
    <Pranka mode> (LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All instances of "You" refer to the author, not to morrissey_05)

    Right, so after saying "There's an alternative to GMA", the author is saying "The alternative to GMA is to oust GMA." Wait, I thought the original question was a "who" question?! You dodged the issue altogether, great politician answer sir/madame!

    YOU are saying (actually, implying) that you will not defer to GMA. I'm not deferring to GMA. I'm sure most of us aren't going to be deferring to GMA. But here's a big reality check: GMA IS NOT GOING TO DEFER TO YOU, EITHER. YOU ARE NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. Neither is she going to defer to Cory, or all those other political has-been opportunists. GMA, whether or not is she the legitimate leader, is the undisputed de facto leader. She isn't going to resign because you're telling her to. The opposition isn't organized enough nor has the balls to impeach her.

    Therein lies the problem with the oust/resign/impeach/whatever GMA movements, whichever side of the political compass you're on.

    Frankly, the only way you're going to oust GMA is if you shoot her, or blow her up. I'll be glad to supply the guns and the bombs. Make sure to get JDV, FVR, Cory, Noli, et al. while you're at it. Kill her! Once she's gone, throw her into the Pasig. Since you think you can do such a good job, make yourself at home in Malacanang. Oh, and good luck - you'll need it.

    ...but don't be surprised if you're kicked out of office in the same way you want to "oust" GMA right now.

    P.S. I'm so fired up and passionate in writing this post that I've edited it the 5th time now just to get it to say exactly what I want to say.
    Last edited by Alpha_One; March 8th, 2006 at 03:37 PM.

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Open Letter to Our Leaders: Why We Are Not Out In The Streets