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  1. Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Are your refering to DSLRs? Canon is a good choice but Nikon on my opinion is better at still photos. Visit a shop so you can actually get a grip and feel every model on your list. You can choose between Canon 500D or Nikon D5000 if you are an amateur. If you wish to become a serious amateur try gettin Canon 50D or preferably Nikon D90. Don't be fooled by the number of megapixels of a camera, take a look closely at camera sensors and compare the image results. Try to invest on good lenses instead of the camera body alone. Since camera body changes every 2+ years and lenses are goin to stay in a lifetime. You can invest first with standard zoom lenses(walk-around lens) and prime lenses (for portraits). From here, you will know what you want next. And one more thing, buy a separate flash, since the built-in flash is not enough.

  2. Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucius View Post
    Canon is the best, except for it's sound when taking shots. Sabi ng friends ko mas okay daw Nikon sa sound. But what difference that sounds makes diba? Go for 500D or 40/50D
    I agree! I am more interested in picture quality than sound.

    hahaha! Sorry about the spelling...

    Quote Originally Posted by morrissey_05 View Post
    thats CANON with one N.

    for panoramic shots, i suggest wide angle lenses like 10-20 etc.

    for prime lenses, the 50mm 1.8 is good bang for the buck (around 5k). great for portraits.

    for photography books, i suggest The Digital Photography series (1-3) by Scott Kelby. otherwise, try youtube. good luck and happy shooting!
    hahaha! I'll change the spelling if I

    I'll look for this book. Really ... youtube? Thanks for the tips.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hailey View Post
    Are your refering to DSLRs? Canon is a good choice but Nikon on my opinion is better at still photos. Visit a shop so you can actually get a grip and feel every model on your list. You can choose between Canon 500D or Nikon D5000 if you are an amateur. If you wish to become a serious amateur try gettin Canon 50D or preferably Nikon D90. Don't be fooled by the number of megapixels of a camera, take a look closely at camera sensors and compare the image results. Try to invest on good lenses instead of the camera body alone. Since camera body changes every 2+ years and lenses are goin to stay in a lifetime. You can invest first with standard zoom lenses(walk-around lens) and prime lenses (for portraits). From here, you will know what you want next. And one more thing, buy a separate flash, since the built-in flash is not enough.
    Thank you ... yes, I intend to look at Nikon cameras too before deciding.

  3. Join Date
    Jun 2009
    UPDATE: I visited a Canon store in Mega Mall ... the 1000D was out of stock. I was able to see the 450D at about 40,000 pesos which is about right for my budget. The sales person said most DSLR cameras are about that size for Canon. So I think I'll have to go online to scrutinize the DSLR models and functions being offered before deciding on which model to go for.

    The sales person mentioned about a model G10 which is not a DSLR camera...but according to him is a good camera for starters. I'll look into this too.

  4. Join Date
    Jul 2009
    We just take pictures of firework display in MOA using a Canon 1000D.

  5. Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by speed unlimited View Post
    We just take pictures of firework display in MOA using a Canon 1000D.
    Let me know how the pictures turned out.

    TO EVERYONE: Thank you and a Happy New Year to all!

    Anyone know where Nikon Stores are? I hardly saw Nikon DSLR cameras.

    Unfortunately...I can't change the spelling at this point. I guess I missed the alloted period.

  6. Join Date
    Jan 2009
    invest in a reasonably priced camera body like the 450D or the 500D then get these lenses: EFS 10-22 mm (around 32k), 50 mm 1.8 MKII (around 3,900), 85 mm 1.8 (around 17k) and 55-250 (around 11k). the kitlens is good too.

    having a high end body and good lenses are both necessary but what's most important is the skill (and creativity, imagination, technique) of the shooter. goodluck!

  7. Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i was into cameras before, when they were still using film. and my advise to you is, buy the most expensive body you can afford. it'll last longer as your prime instrument, compared to buying the lesser models. the same with the lenses. get the lenses with the widest glass (aperture) you can afford. but ask yourself first, if you are willing to lug these instruments around, because they are heavy.
    both nikon and canon offer a wide range of lenses and accessories. in my opinion, canon is the trailblazer, and nikon is a bit more conservative.
    what about independent brand accessories? i advise you to stay with branded accessories, as the independents offer accessories that sometimes do not completely complement the body.
    canon has its own house here. nikon, i believe is under columbia.
    skill versus instrument? hey, that's why they invented the blunderbuss (shotgun).
    enjoy. that's what it's all about.

  8. Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by moejun2 View Post
    having a high end body and good lenses are both necessary but what's most important is the skill (and creativity, imagination, technique) of the shooter. goodluck!
    Thanks for the list.

    Quote Originally Posted by dr. d View Post
    i was into cameras before, when they were still using film. and my advise to you is, buy the most expensive body you can afford. it'll last longer as your prime instrument, compared to buying the lesser models. the same with the lenses. get the lenses with the widest glass (aperture) you can afford. but ask yourself first, if you are willing to lug these instruments around, because they are heavy.
    You mentioned about weight ... thus the canon sales person recommended a camera that does a decent job for beginners that is also light ... the G10 ... it's still out of stock though, plus it has a fixed lens. I'll look at this columbia for Nikon cameras. Thank you.

  9. Join Date
    Jun 2009

    129 G. Roxas Street San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City

    For Repair/Service Inquiries

    Please call
    Camera Service Department : 413 9506,413 9507,413 9504,413 9505,411 4692
    Fax: 363 7465,366 8266

    Direct Line: 365 0892, 363 5315, 365 2566
    TrunkLine: 366 1873, 363 3876, 365 0927

    Please contact :
    CDSC Customer Contact Center
    Tel No. : 363 5315 , 363 0892 ,
    Mini Lab Sales,Photo Supply
    363 1620 , 366 - 1873 TL
    Camera Repairs
    Nikon and Aigo Sales
    Mini-labs Repair
    FUJIFILM / kIS Photo Me Mini Labs Sales Supplies

    General Information

    Thank you Sir Dr. D ... every time I typed and searched Nikon Cameras, I ended up in a foreign site, until I searched for Columbia. This will have to wait till next week though due to the holliday aftermath.

  10. Join Date
    Jan 2009
    if you plan to pursue this hobby and if you see yourself doing this for the long haul, don't get the G10. get a prosumer body or if you have lots of cash (and "lots" is relative) then get a FF (full frame) body plus the best lenses (L) you can find.

    again though, no matter how good your equipment is, if you don't know how to use it properly, it's all for naught.

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Anyone know anything about Cannon Cameras?