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  1. Join Date
    Oct 2008
    To all gurus' out there , I want to ask is there an existing thread that tackles about engine care? If none, please give me any do's and dont's on how to properly clean an engine.

    I have a W123 220 ride, it's been a year since I got this ride from my father in law. Last night for the first time, I replaced all the fan belts successfully . But It was so messed up because of the grease that is covering all over the engine especially on the lower part.

    That's why I wanted to have it engine washed, in order for me to locate any oil leaks and have it fix right away . Can you suggest where can I have it done? My location is cavite.

    Many thanks...

  2. Join Date
    Jun 2008
    well if your engine is cold and make sure you cover your wires & distributor if your using a engine degreaser like this, the instruction is on the back just follow it you'll be fine.

  3. Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 4agze View Post
    well if your engine is cold and make sure you cover your wires & distributor if your using a engine degreaser like this, the instruction is on the back just follow it you'll be fine.

    Thanks for the advice, I will try this one.

  4. Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Most gasoline stations offers engine wash as a service. They pretty much know which parts to cover up to prevent water from damaging any engine component. If you have a choice, choose the gas station nearest your house so the engine wouldn't be too hot when you get there. If the engine is warm, allow it to cool down for about half an hour before beginning the wash.... just park somewhere inside the gas station and get a cup of coffee from their convenience store while waiting.

  5. Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by oj88 View Post
    Most gasoline stations offers engine wash as a service. They pretty much know which parts to cover up to prevent water from damaging any engine component. If you have a choice, choose the gas station nearest your house so the engine wouldn't be too hot when you get there. If the engine is warm, allow it to cool down for about half an hour before beginning the wash.... just park somewhere inside the gas station and get a cup of coffee from their convenience store while waiting.
    nice tip! thanks!

  6. Join Date
    Oct 2008
    just one question, does gas stations have fix price for an engine wash? Or it will depends on how dirty is your engine?

  7. Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by benzy_boi View Post
    just one question, does gas stations have fix price for an engine wash? Or it will depends on how dirty is your engine?
    Their rates are usually based on the size of your vehicle. (ie. cars are generally cheaper, while larger vans or SUVs are a bit higher).

  8. Join Date
    Nov 2005
    gas stations have fixed price for an engine wash. depends only if you'll get their package like engine, body and under wash which is much cheaper than individual service.

  9. Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XTO View Post
    gas stations have fixed price for an engine wash. depends only if you'll get their package like engine, body and under wash which is much cheaper than individual service.
    thanks for the info...

  10. Join Date
    Feb 2009
    just make sure you ask around if someone had a good experience with their service. The engine bay is one of the most problematic washes if they dont know what theyre doing

    I wish may nag-e-engine wash dito. anyway good luck

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Engine Care