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  1. Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Awesome looking ride you got there, dude! :cool: I've done so much mod on my car and I can't imagine how it feel to part it away with all the hard work you did in your awesome car. I would :waah: to death. Just pay the fine and live with it.

  2. Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JCsE46
    Awesome looking ride you got there, dude! :cool: I've done so much mod on my car and I can't imagine how it feel to part it away with all the hard work you did in your awesome car. I would :waah: to death. Just pay the fine and live with it.
    Thanks man....i can see your list of mods (nice ride btw, had the same ride before) and yeah...i know what you're sayin....every mod we put in there is hard earned money (and thats how we get so attached with our babies) - im still glad my wife gave me a nod to get the same car (although stock).....At least I can still enjoy it (better than paying $300+/month of insurance)....

    BTW, where you from man? Post some pics of your sig here....

  3. Join Date
    Apr 2005
    2001 Honda Civic
    2003 Crosswind XUVi
    2004 Nissan Sentra
    2000 Honda Civic

  4. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by airshaq20
    I know what you mean...i guess i didnt have the guts to tear it apart. I did that when i sold my first bimmer (e36) and i couldnt help my self not to be emotional when i handed the keys to the new owners...Im pretty sure you know what im talking about...BTW, havent seen your sig anywhere here...mind posting a pic?
    i do know bro...when i left LA we decided to get rid of my MR2 turbo. after i parted it out and was about to sell it to a taiwanese guy...i was sitting in the AAA office for the title transfer and i almost backed out of the sale

    anyway, i haven't taken a pic of my car in ages...i'll see what i can dig up. it's a stock 330ci, black, tan leather, no tints.

  5. Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by airshaq20
    BTW, where you from man? Post some pics of your sig here....
    I live at Canyon Country, California, six miles east of Six Flags Magic Mountain of Santa Clarita Valley (Approx. 20 miles north of L.A.)
    Here's some pics. of my ride:

  6. Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Here's some more:

  7. Join Date
    Nov 2004

  8. Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by M54 Powered
    i do know bro...when i left LA we decided to get rid of my MR2 turbo. after i parted it out and was about to sell it to a taiwanese guy...i was sitting in the AAA office for the title transfer and i almost backed out of the sale

    anyway, i haven't taken a pic of my car in ages...i'll see what i can dig up. it's a stock 330ci, black, tan leather, no tints.
    I love MR2s.....I'd love to own any of the 3 generation MR2s but its too impractical for me to own 2 sports cars at the same time.

    BTW, you leave in FL and no tints? must have good patience with the heat.

  9. Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JCsE46
    Here's some more:

    very nice very nice....i'd love to get a black car again but i have a kid and it would break my heart if i see scratches on the car....

    how's your F1 Goodyears? Are they good in snow/rain? How about road noise?
    Oh yeah.....i love your crossbar and those rims and those M3/330 deep bumpers...nice drop too although im not gonna drop my car anymore....too stiff for me (i think im getting too old)....

    what's your next mod?

  10. Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by airshaq20
    very nice very nice....i'd love to get a black car again but i have a kid and it would break my heart if i see scratches on the car....

    how's your F1 Goodyears? Are they good in snow/rain? How about road noise?
    Oh yeah.....i love your crossbar and those rims and those M3/330 deep bumpers...nice drop too although im not gonna drop my car anymore....too stiff for me (i think im getting too old)....

    what's your next mod?
    Goodyear Eagle F1-GS-D3 tires are superb in handling characteristic and are terrific in wet traction like a crazy grip in the rain. Snow, I don't know, we don't get snow in SoCal. but I don't think it will perform well in the snowy road but then again, who am I to judge it if I haven't experienced driving these tires thru snow. Noise factor, I give it a rating of 7 or 8. I've just finish installing an Apple IPOD adaptor to my car stereo last Saturday so I can play my IPOD thru my car stereo and just hardwired my Valentine-One Radar detector. My next mod, I would like to get one of those Brembo BBK's and later install a SC. But I have to save some more monies in order to fullfill my wish lists. I've spend around $12,000 for the all the mod I've installed so far and I'm not done yet.
    Last edited by JCsE46; April 12th, 2005 at 01:32 PM.

What is your ride?