Hi guys..so the meet is up and it's time to rev up! It will be on august 7 at Clark International Speedway, It is a drag event hosted by Speedlab. P1,500 is the entry fee..it is a race-all-you-can event...there will be many other cars, not just GCs... and to book your car, call Sydney of Speedlab at 3764648 or visit their website www.speedlab.com.ph

For those who don't want to participate or be involved in the race, you can just come with us for the funrun going there and then just watch the event.

but please take note that this isn't about the drag competition. It is about us Genesis Owners...let us bond with each other. It will be fun. The last Genesis Coupe meet we had was last saturday at the Fort.

There were 8 who came and some promised to go this august 7. most of the guys who went last saturday are not members here...so just imagine how many GC will go to the event when combined.....so please come...the meeting place on august 7 is to follow...so, if your in, please let me know....this is my number 0920-915-5898....

BTW, i will also be unveiling my project bumper on that day..^_^

If you want to see the pictures of last saturday..please click this link..http://tsikot.yehey.com/forums/showt...57227&page=149 sorry, i can't open my photobucket account so i couldn't post it here....

Thank you very much guys...hope to see you there