honestly, i wouldn't even consider any of these two, especially with their current prices Getz * 580K and Picanto at 600 for their lowest models. I would get any of the following Sentra, 07 model Lancer or my best bet, Vios which will give you a decent resale value of in case you're not the keeper type.

nothing against Picanto/Getz owners. it's just not my type.

i would suggest getting the i10 instead of the Getz. It's part of HARI's invasion promo with 5yr warranty and all-in packages. It's much modern looking than the Getz, and interior is not bad at all. though given the size, legroom is similar to the picanto/getz, which is very crampy for me.

but if you must choose only between the two, Getz gets my vote.