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  1. Join Date
    Nov 2010
    So, my two friends and I are driving at Clark to get some shopping done, when I was playing with my PSP at the backseat, my friend on the passenger seat shouted. "S***, tignan mo yung lalake!"

    When I looked to where he was pointing, there was this guy outside a yellow owner type jeep (I think it was a Wrangler), holding on to the driver side door (the window was down) and the rear view mirror and skidding along the road, with only his shoes. He was apparently "surfing" the road with his shoes while the jeep is running. We are going at least 45 mph,they're ahead of us so they are even faster. The driver was laughing and so was the guy.

    I shouted "Hoy, gusto mo bang mamatay! Delikado yan!" and then the driver just cursed me while the car surfer just keeps laughing then sped away turning right (running a red light, I might add). We reported the incident to the nearest military guy we could find. We didn't see the license plate but we gave the description about the jeep and the guys.

    I know about "car surfing" but this is just a ridiculous thing to do.That guy could easily broken his ankle or worst die from that stunt, both him and the driver are very stupid to even think of doing something like that. I just hope that he's okay, but I wish he didn't breed. Stupid people shouldn't pass on their genes. Good thing that we are the only other car on the road, what if he rammed another car, remember they ran a light, somebody else could get hurt.

    Worst yet, they look like to be about 15-18.Probably just got their license, or even just student permits. Probably that the jeep is not theirs. What are we teaching this kids. I am just 20 years old myself, but I will never do anything that idiotic. But no matter how you teach this kids, its all comes down to their own decision. Teenagers think that they are invisible, I know, I felt that too. But please think not only of your lives but also the lives of your love ones, their lives will change too if something happens to you, because you did something stupid and you paid for it with your life.

    I just hope the police caught them. They're a danger to themselves and others.

    But seriously,what on earth would make anyone attempt to do something like this?

  2. Join Date
    May 2008
    Drive around manila and you'll see a bunch more of these stupid people on the road, even older ones. Those crossing under pedestrian underpasses, jeeps running without headlights during the night, riders not wearing their helmets, etc.

    Yeah some (or most?) people are really that stupid.

  3. Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MissDaisy View Post

    I know about "car surfing" but this is just a ridiculous thing to do.That guy could easily broken his ankle or worst die from that stunt, both him and the driver are very stupid to even think of doing something like that. I just hope that he's okay, but I wish he didn't breed. Stupid people shouldn't pass on their genes. Good thing that we are the only other car on the road, what if he rammed another car, remember they ran a light, somebody else could get hurt.
    Let them learn their lesson the hard way.

    Why did you not take pics for our entertainment?

  4. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Sana madale at mabali ang mga paa nyang mga "road surfers" na yan....ewan ko lang.

  5. Join Date
    Jul 2010
    that's very odd indeed, wala naman beach sa Clark ah, sa Subic yun

  6. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    they do that also here in saudi arabia, using their sandals.........
    dami nadidisgrasya rito.

    [ame=""]YouTube - Saudi Sandal Surfing[/ame]

  7. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Maybe they sniffed in something before doing that...

  8. Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Welcome to the Philippines.

  9. Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Maybe they're just filming Jackass: Pinoy Edition

  10. Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chua_riwap View Post
    they do that also here in saudi arabia, using their sandals.........
    dami nadidisgrasya rito.
    Pampalo rin nila iyan kapag nag-aaway sila....


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Are People Really This Stupid?