If you happen to own a van e.g. an L300 and if by chance you happen to park in a space where, by chance, "colorum" vehicles are parked - watch out for abusive members of the Presidential Anti-Colorumn Task Force.

I was at a parking space (in Bulacan) late afternoon yesterday with a friend and we had engaged in a chat a nice fellow who owned an L300 van. We were so engrossed in our chat that we didn't see that team members of PACTF "swooped" inside the parking space "looking for" colorum vehicles. The group was composed of a cop, two MMDA traffic enforcers (in a tow-truck) and two Marines.

They immediately proceeded to harass vehicle owners whom they suspect as colorum. True, there are vehicles there that are colorum but at that time the vehicles were just parked there and there had no passengers. We saw that cop and the two MMDA personnel harassing the drivers. One driver refused to give his license and the cop tried to slap him on the face. Luckily, he dodge it.

Then all of a sudden, that jerk shifted his attention on the fellow my friend and I had a chat with - and he, along with the two MMDA folks, harassed the poor guy! WTF?! When our new fried would not give his license, the cop nearly gave him an uppercut - nearly because the two Marines stopped him and said it was not right. Then, all of a sudden he grabbed the celfone of the guy and uttered something like "O sige, p***ina ka! Aking na lang tong celfone mo para wala ka ng problema." My friend then started to take a camfone vid of the event but that cop nearly grabbed his celfone too! Luckily, the Marines again intervened and told the cop that he's breaking the law and what he did was qualified theft.

The cop gave the celfone back but you know what he and those two MMDA wipe-arses did? They tried to tow the vehicles that they "suspect" are colorum. WTF?! Does the MMDA even have jurisdiction in Bulacan? Again, the Marines came in to save the day. My buddy and I clearly heard these two fine Marines say that the cops and the MMDA had no right to tow the vehicles because of the following reasons: (a) no proof they were colorum as they did not have any passenger inside and were not ferrying passengers and (b) the parking space is a private lot (which it actually is) and they had no right to just tow any vehicle from any private lot without due cause.

With those words said, these PACTF people left but that cop was clearly pissed off. Bakit ka pissed of sir? Dahil nawalan ka ba ng "grasya"?

I salute the two Marines! They protected the rights of them poor schlubs who were "accused" of being "colorum vehicle" owners or drivers.

Another classic example of a presidential order being abused by crooked law enforcement people.

I just hope that MMDA's "First Responders" won't be abusive like these jerks.