Just providing a warning for our fellow tsikoteers who ply the Katipunan route. Watch out being run off the road by a White Fortuner with Plate Number ZEH 653. I was with my wife tonight around 8:30 pm and I was making a U-Turn at the front of Gate 2 of Ateneo (The U-Turn slot under the Pedestrian Overpass) and was behind a Mitsubishi Montero when the driver of the White Fortuner forcibly cut in from my blind side (right side of my car) with no turn-signal, not even beeping their horn. Being a defensive driver, I just honked my horn and let the car pass. I'm not sure if what i saw was correct but from my viewpoint, the driver was female. After forcibly cutting in and almost hitting my car if i hadn't given way, the driver drove away and was weaving in and out of traffic at high speed and again with no turn signals and no regard for other motorists. Lucky that I usually leave adequate space in front of my car before the next vehicle especially when doing a U-Turn so I was able to avoid an accident with the driver of the Fortuner.

My message to the driver, size doesn't make right and I just pray that you meet your match or your maker (whatever comes first) without endangering anyone else.