This happened to a friend of a friend. It was only told to me so I don't exactly know the time and place.

So this guy meets up with the buyer. The deal was successful, only for him to find out that it was a conspiracy. The item was quite expensive by the way. After the transaction, a dark vehicle with blurred plates discreetly stalked the victim. During a stoplight at a rather dark place, a goon came out of the passenger seat and asked the guy for his money at gunpoint. IIRC, his cell and watch were also taken. Good thing he wasn't shot.

As for everyone else, just beware of situations like this. If you're trying to buy or sell something, ask the other party to meet up at a well-lighted place with people, like a good gas station or something. If you're asked for your plate number through call or text for identification, you don't have to give it. Then after you've done your transaction, always look around on the road, especially during red lights.

Hope this serves as a precaution.