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  1. Join Date
    May 2006
    You sometimes find the darnest things on Google

    I'll give you a hint. Nobody would ever guess what the Pajero really means.

    Last edited by Memphis Raines; August 30th, 2008 at 09:07 PM.

  2. Join Date
    Sep 2007
    wanker gen 5.0


    nice one MR!

  3. Join Date
    Jul 2007
    heehee. My Spanish uncle thought he was mistaken when he first saw a Pajero. hehe. When I asked him why he was so surprised with the vehicle's name he said that it was too embarrassing to tell but eventually I convinced him and he said that it was choking the bishop. AT least we pronounce it as paJero and not pahero like the Spanish nasty word.

  4. Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Cathy_for_you View Post
    heehee. My Spanish uncle thought he was mistaken when he first saw a Pajero. hehe. When I asked him why he was so surprised with the vehicle's name he said that it was too embarrassing to tell but eventually I convinced him and he said that it was choking the bishop. AT least we pronounce it as paJero and not pahero like the Spanish nasty word.
    I remember this debate over how the Pajero should be pronounced. My girl cousins would say 'Pahero yan!' then we boys would counter with a vengeance na 'PA-JE-RO!!'. We would go on and on hehehe.


  5. Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Cathy_for_you View Post
    heehee. My Spanish uncle thought he was mistaken when he first saw a Pajero. hehe. When I asked him why he was so surprised with the vehicle's name he said that it was too embarrassing to tell but eventually I convinced him and he said that it was choking the bishop. AT least we pronounce it as paJero and not pahero like the Spanish nasty word.

    Your uncle is right. It pronounce "Pa'herou" on pajero since this word is a spanish origin name after Leopardus Pajeros, its a Colocolo pampas Cat.

    This is the PA'HEROU (Pajero)

    Range and Habitat

    [SIZE=2]The pampas cat ranges along the south-western area (but not on the coast) of South America, in the countries of Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina and Patagonia.[/SIZE]
    Last edited by v6dreamer; August 31st, 2008 at 12:47 PM.

  6. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    at least it's a different language. those fools at AMC who thought "Gremlin" was a good car name don't even have that excuse :rofl01:

  7. Join Date
    Jun 2007
    how about the Audi TT? can it be included in the list? it's not obvious when you look how it was spelled, but only when you say it

  8. Join Date
    May 2007
    So with the Honda CRV. Sounds like Comfort Room Vehicle's.

  9. Join Date
    Dec 2007
    i guess its safe to add Chery to this list. Aside from the fact that it sounds like a fruit, it also sounds like the kinda car that is for the girls only.


    Guy1 : "Pare, balita ko may SUV ka na rin ngaun, makakasabay ka na sa Everest ko. Ano ba SUV mo? Fortuner nga ba?"

    Guy2 : "Chery, Pare."

    Guy1 : "...."

  10. Join Date
    Feb 2008
    KIA SERATO (Sira ito)
    Toyota Echo (say it fast) parang TOYO-TA-E-KO
    Last edited by tidus1203; November 7th, 2008 at 11:43 PM.

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10 Most Unfortunate Car Names