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  1. Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Driving? 10 Most Dangerous Foods to Eat

    Look out for that....CHOCOLATE!

    Hagerty Classic Insurance of Traverse City, Mich., has issued a list of the top 10 most dangerous foods we can eat while driving. When we pay more attention to our food than the road, we're setting ourselves up for a potential car crash. In a recent analysis of 32,303 drivers nationwide, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration determined that eating is a greater distraction than using a hand-held cell phone.

    So from bad to worst, here are the top 10 most dangerous foods to eat while driving:

    10. Chocolate
    It gets all over your fingers! Then you touch something--the steering wheel, stick shift, your hair--and you leave a chocolate smudge. Your instinct is to look down and wipe it off. Excuse me, did you see that red light you just ran?

    9. Soft Drinks
    Slam on the brake and whammy! You spilled your drink all over your shirt. When this happens, are you concentrating more on your driving or your wet clothing? We thought so.

    8. Jelly and Cream-Filled Donuts

    Oh yummy! They just ooze jelly and custard, and now look! It's all over your lap. You shouldn't have just ran a stop sign.

    7. Fried Chicken

    If it's finger-lickin' good, then it's also greasy. So is the steering wheel. And that stuff is hard to get off--especially while you're driving. Oops. Almost didn't make that turn, did you?

    6. Any Barbecued Food

    Save the barbecue sauce for your next picnic in the park. Here's something to remember: "If it can drip, don't eat it while you drive."

    5. Juicy Hamburgers
    These can be drippy AND greasy. Consider that a $5 hamburger deluxe could turn into $500 worth of repairs if dripping condiments, special sauces, or greasy meat juices distract you while you're driving.

    4. Chili
    And we don't mean just a bowl of chili. We mean anything containing chili--a chili dog, sloppy Joes, or a Coney dog. Steering chili-covered foods to your mouth while steering a car around a corner requires more dexterity than we humans possess.

    3. Tacos
    It's hard enough to eat a taco at a table. One good bump in the road and that taco is scattered across the backseat. And what did you just do? Turned around to look at it!

    2. Hot Soups
    Eating hot soup while trying to manipulate a gearshift is not sensible. Haggerty calls it the equivalent of a circus juggling act--a sure recipe for disaster.

    And the WORST food you can consume while driving is...
    1. Coffee
    It's hot. It spills. It makes a mess--and burns!--when it spills.

  2. Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Don't eat and drive then! Just like don't phone and drive.

    If you shall drive, just drive.

  3. Join Date
    Nov 2002
    basta concentrate lang palage.. pero apg matic ang auto.. pwede.. pwede :D

  4. Join Date
    Oct 2004
    no. 1 hot coffee? kahit nga nakahinto delikado ito e. do you remember the lawsuit against mcdo by a female senior citizen spilled hot coffee on her you know what in a mcdo drive-in? sobra init daw yung coffee & la warning sign na mainit yung coffee. :bwahaha:

  5. Join Date
    Jul 2004
    or you can just let your gf or esmi feed you

    may bibero pa :lol:

  6. Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ram
    or you can just let your gf or esmi feed you

    may bibero pa :lol:
    Or better yet, just let them drive instead while you eat!

  7. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    [SIZE=7]Remember: Don't do two things at the same time[/SIZE]

  8. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    mahirap tlaga yan...mag butong pakwan ka na lang habang nagmamaneho :D

  9. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ram
    or you can just let your gf or esmi feed you

    may bibero pa :lol:
    I'd rather have my gf eat me na lang :exclaim:

  10. Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ghosthunter
    I'd rather have my gf eat me na lang :exclaim:

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Driving? 10 Most Dangerous Foods to Eat