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  1. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Tuesday, 10 26, 2004

    ROME — Ferrari president Luca Montezemolo said Wednesday the Italian Formula One (F1) team would build a special model car for Pope John Paul II to mark his 26 years as pontiff.

    “We will make a Ferrari Formula One car especially for the pope,” Montezemolo told reporters on a visit to the Vatican.

    Ferrari later made it clear that the car would be a scaled down model of the F2004 and not a full size replica of their championship-winning Formula One car.

    But, Montezemolo drew the line at changing the colour of the car from its customary red to a different shade that the pontiff might prefer.

    “The Pope would not be best pleased to see a Ferrari that wasn't a Ferrari,” he remarked.

    Montezemolo recalled his previous meetings with the Pope before Ferrari were the dominant force in motor racing.

    “I had the honour of meeting His Holiness on two occasions, first of all when I was involved in organising the (football) World Cup in 1990 and then on the testing track at Fiorano where he had a ride in a Ferrari,” he said.

    “That was when Ferrari were not having great success and the least I can do to show my appreciation is construct a special Ferrari car for him.”

    Pope John Paul II will celebrate his 26th anniversary as head of the Catholic Church on Saturday. AFP

  2. Join Date
    Apr 2004
    naks naman si pope! meron ng ferrari... sino kaya magdrive? hehehe...

  3. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    An F1 replica for his Holiness? Potek?!

    Ano naman gagawin nya dun?

  4. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    baka naman tulugan niya iyan habang nakasakay

    Ferrari walang magawa...nag donate na lang sana ng pera sa mahihirap....

  5. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Another incredible "asset" of the Vatican that they can't justify... shzz.

  6. Join Date
    Jan 1970
    PR lang yan ng Ferrari

  7. Join Date
    Aug 2004
    What? Asset? Like the billions of dollars worth of land and the gold-framed multi-million dollar artworks?... but seriously, it's not the Pope's fault if he receives the car... he can sell it for charity. :D

    Ang pagbalik ng comeback...

  8. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    baka display lang yan sa museum...

    I think parang TY gift lang yan ng Ferrari to the Pope for supporting them during the rough times.

    mostly likely, a used F1 engine might be placed there. btw, aren't replicas being used for training and driving schools?

  9. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Still, sa dami-dami na prominent figures, bakit Pope pa? Not like he can even step into that car... They can just thank the Vatican with money or charity, but a friggin F1 car? hehe, I don't see how that'll help.

  10. Join Date
    Mar 2003
    "Popemobile"...Donated by DaimlerChrysler

    ML 430

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Pope gets own F1 car from Ferrari