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I hope I’m wrong in this because I wish you happiness.
But it got me thinking. His acts of kindness were not so kind after all.
It seems like he was just leading you on, trying to ensnare you, so that, if you would fall for him, he could get even at you.
He must have been so crushed that, even after all those years, he was not able to get over what happened.
He must be rejoicing by now for having exacted his revenge.
This guy is weak. Whoever he thinks he is, he is nobody but a wicked, vengeful lot. Revenge is the refuge of the weak. He is not an alpha.
But it isn’t the end of the world.
Show your mettle. Be strong.
You must be at your lowest point right now. It is temporary. Pain is not permanent, but giving up is.
Your world doesn’t stop to revolve just because you were scorned.
By all means, you grieve, you cry. Then you dust off. Our greatest glory is in rising every time we fall.
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
I think you just love the idea of being in love.
You’re so enamored with this guy because he is this and he is that. You have a preconceived idea what your man is or should.
And you perceived that he had all these traits that you look for. It’s that rational part in you that says so. It ain’t love.
The neocortex is that part of the brain responsible for rational, analytical thought, and language. So, when you say, you love him because he is successful, good looking, etc. That isn’t love.
Love is a feeling. It isn’t a rational or analytical thought. It is difficult to express it in words.
The limbic brain is that part of our brain that is responsible for all our feelings, like love, trust, and loyalty. But the limbic brain has no capacity for language.
We find it difficult to put our feelings into words.
That’s why we are hard put to explain why we love someone or we are loyal to somebody.
You are not in love with him.
You are in love with the idea.
You can get over it so easily.
You don’t know how resilient you are.
You examine your life.
As I said, if you’re the same person five years ago, then you’re not growing.
Reinvent yourself.
Years from now, you’ll look back, and, with a smile in your eyes, you say to yourself: “oh, that was so stupid.”
And you just laugh at your folly.
But that is just life is.
It goes on.
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