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October 25th, 2002 08:57 PM #1
Hello peeps!
Meron bang oil pressure buildup sa crankcase? Nagtatalo kasi kami ng pinsan ko. Ang alam ko kasi wala. Sabi nya meron. Ang alam ko kasi, meron lang oil pressure after the sump, pataas ng cylinder head. I need your expert opinion peeps. thanks. peace :wink:
October 25th, 2002 10:57 PM #2
Wala. If you would remove you oil pan kita mo na yun crankcase and the sump pump. After ng sump pump yun pressure.
Ok back to the top topic:twisted:
October 26th, 2002 04:40 PM #5
Sir alfred, meron kasing oil leak sa oil pan ko due to my recent overhaul. the gasket cracked. I just had the thing replaced just now :D See you tomorrow!!!!!!
Haha that's true. People entering the roundabout charge into it as if they have the right of way,...
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