Good day to all !!!

I want to ask your help and opinion again guys, my '93 Nissan JX(carburator) has a high idling, with or without aircon the idling is really high, the car will move without stepping its gas pedal.

I tried to udjust the idle control to the lowest possible but still doesnt work, I looked on the carburator spring but its in place but when i pushed it back the idle goes low to its normal idle but when i step on the gas pedal, then it goes back to high idling again.

Do you think my carburator needs an cleaning/overhaul ??? Can you guys recommend any carburator specialist that can fixed this high idling problem

Or is there any other things or parts to be observed as the culprit of this problem.

Hope to hear your ideas & experience regarding my cars problem.

Thank you in advance !!!