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  1. Join Date
    Jul 2007
    what are your essential job interview questions?

    i noticed that most applicant have ready answers to the typical questions like "how do you see yourself 5 years from now?" , "tell me something about yourself" etc.

    personally, i always ask for their weakness. i know it's somewhat typical but it says a lot about the person. i'd also ask if they have a boyfriend (to male applicants) just to see how they would react.

  2. Join Date
    Sep 2005
    male applicants - if they have a boyfriend?? diba offending na yan..

  3. Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by _Qwerty_ View Post
    male applicants - if they have a boyfriend?? diba offending na yan..
    nakow, hindi pwede madali ma offend dito sa company namin kasi puro mga engineers makakasama nya. baka umuwi syang luhaan araw araw pag na offend sya dyan pa lang. being quick on his feet and witty is important.

  4. Join Date
    Jun 2006
    CZ: example naman ng reply nila. Yung hilarious or notable please. :bwahaha:

  5. Join Date
    Oct 2008
    fresh from college, i just found myself interrogated by a panel of some division heads...the first question asked was: DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND? My answer: I NEVER HAD ONE, I MIGHT FIND HIM HERE, then let go of my bestest smile...i got hired.


    sa US embassy, i was asked, do you have kids? i answered, i haven't thought of having one just yet...maybe after this travel, Maam, again with my bestest smile...she replied: i was just kidding, i know, because i have been perusing your DS-156 and 157...she gave me ten years.

    in any interviews, grabe ang kaba ko...pero nakakaraos din.
    Last edited by ab_initio; February 12th, 2009 at 01:45 PM.

  6. Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Horsepower View Post
    CZ: example naman ng reply nila. Yung hilarious or notable please. :bwahaha:
    nothing too funny hp. some just blush , some stutter but most are very cool in handling it

    one time this applicant smiled nervously and began talking about how he and his girlfriend just broke up blah blah blah. then i noticed his eyes were starting to get wet. i had to cut his story short & ask another question before he bursted into tears.

  7. Join Date
    May 2006
    i got one here:
    what's the most challenging part of your work you've experienced from your career before (fill interviewee's company name) and how you'd cope it!
    note i was already seconded to them thru manpower agency before they called me for interview.

    though this one is only applicable sa mga experienced guys wanting to jump from other "ships"

  8. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    On my first job in a small telecom company in Makati. One question raised by the supervisor during the interview.....

    - "Umiinom ka ba?"
    - "Yes, Sir!"
    - "Ok 'to. can start next week."

    Ayun, kada suweldo, nainom kami sa Greenbelt (malapit sa church, Veranda ata name nung place)....

  9. Join Date
    Dec 2005

    We're working in an American multinational company.

    One of my questions, "Do you hate Americans?"..... lots of interesting answers....


  10. Join Date
    Dec 2008
    These questions made me laugh!

    These kinds of questions are non-directive, traditional questions. May seem simple, but watch out. Some of them may be loaded.

    I've always used the Targeted Selection approach in my interviews. These are questions which are based on a range of competencies required for a position. The premise is that past behavior will predict future behavior so you are asked a set of questions based on situations you have encountered in the past. You describe the situation, the action you took, the result, and the learnings you gained from the situation.

    But there is an emerging method which uses the traditional approach but looks for a different result. The questions are very traditional, e.g. strength and weaknesses, experience and ambition, etc. But there is no right and wrong answers and the interviewer is not interested in what your answer is but how you answer the question. By the movement of your eyes, your hands, your body, your month, etc. A trained interviewer using this method tell if you are spontaneous or analytical, if you are lying or credible, if you are deep or shallow, if you are reactive or strategic, etc. I've written several articles on interviews and interviewing. Many of these are found in

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job interview questions