I know that I may get violent reactions from this post but I just need some suggestions from you guys.

I used to look forward to going to work. I loved my job, boss and officemates. It was like that for 3 1/2 years until I got transferred to another dept where the work was horrible and the boss was doubly horrible. I lasted less than a year coz I couldn't take it anymore. I'd cry in the ladies room every morning and it got to the point that I was getting sick almost every week. My frustration with my job was having physical manifestations already (BTW our whole team ended up being wiped out because of that boss. I was just the first one to leave). I told my Mom about my problem and I proposed that I'll take some time off work and take graduate studies instead. I promised her that I'll get a job as soon as I graduate. It took me 3 years to finish and now I'm done. I'm really lucky that my Mommy supported me totally in those 3 years and she paid for my studies. She said that my only job was to get good grades and find a good job after.

Now that I am done my Mom is expecting that I'd have work by now. I am actually embarrassed because I've been a PALAMUNIN for 3 years since I resigned. The problem is I've been out of the corporate world for 3 years and this hiatus I discovered is already paralyzing me with fear. Fear that I won't get a job. Fear of rejection. Fear of having a bad boss. Fear of having to put up with office politics. I also hate the thought of getting up at 5:30 in the morning.(I used to be a morning person) It seems like I've lost my enthusiasm for working. The only reason why I am looking for a job right now is because I am ashamed with my Mom na for being a PAL. hehe.

For those who are working, where do you get your enthusiasm? I need your replies badly because I'm slowly falling into depression.