I'm a graduating Civil Engineering student and I tried to file for an NBI clearance and this is what happened (from my previous post):

I tried to get an NBI clearance but I got a hit. I'm worried that I wont be able to file for the board exam.

This October I accidentaly hit someone with my car. The police were involved and I ended up having her sign an affidavit of desistance and having it notarized by a private lawyer. I asked reddit about it and a lawyer redditor told me that I may be summoned by the court and I should just show them the affidavit of desistance.

I wasn't summoned and there's no summon in my inbox. Is the hit because if this incident? What should I do if it is?

A state prosecutor told my girlfriend that I was dumb for worrying about as it would get thrown out of court especially since the family did not file a case against me. And I don't even have to show up when I'm summoned.

Is my future ruined now?

Edit: I forgot to mention that when I received the police report, written on it were:

Action Taken: Initially Investigated Recommendation: For prosecution Status of case: Pending

I posted this on reddit and most of them commented that I should not worry because that's just normal and it's probably because of someone having the same name as me.

Let's say the worst thing happens and I have a record.

I'm not worried about being in prison because the family assured me that they won't be filing a case. What I'm worried about is that no construction firm will hire me because of this record.

It wasn't a DUI, it was basically me being inattentive of road signs and I ran over someone's foot.

Any ideas or experiences with this situation? Thanks