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Hybrid View

  1. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The last weekend saw the quiet transfer of Tsikot.Com Classifieds and Forums to newer, more powerful and robust servers. It was one big feat in transferring a site with more than 40,000 classified listings and 2.3 million posts. It did take quite a while and the migration was tedious. But it has been done.

    As of this writing, our domain name is still being propagated to the new host's nameservers. As such some of our guests and members are still seeing the old website's version in our former webhost. It will take a day or two for the domain to be fully propagated throughout cyberspace.

    But, there is still a lot of work to be done ahead:

    1. software, scripts and server settings are still to be optimized for more stable site and faster page loading
    2. both the android and iOS forums apps have to be continuously developed and optimized to make them as bug-free as possible
    3. a stand-alone mobile (android and iOS) app for the Tsikot Car Finder (classifieds)
    4. a better mobile template for the forums is yet to be installed and rolled out
    5. better and more effective anti-spambot measures. Spammers are becoming more and more creative and successful!

    In the next few days, some instability and bugs are expected and bound to crop up. They happen as we continue to tweak and troubleshoot our new servers settings and processes.

    Expect a much better, stable and faster!

    We apologize for the inconveniences caused by this migration. Again, thank you for your patience.

    Please post your questions, comments and suggestions regarding this move, if you have any.

    Thank you and Mabuhay, mga Tsikoteers!

  2. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Way to go sir tsikot.
    Bigyan ng jacket yan!

  3. Join Date
    Jun 2004
    bilis na bumukas ng tsikot ngayon


  4. Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Good job, guys! :-)

  5. Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I hope tsikot members would get prizes so we could entice other people to join. ;-)

    or discounts on other establishments

  6. Join Date
    Jun 2013
    yey... nawala yung problem ko ng pag open ng tsikot kung hindi gagamit ng proxy server... thanks po..

  7. Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Congratulations and good job on the migration. The weekend hiatus was worth it.

  8. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Thank you for all the kind comments.
    We also have a more streamlined mobile skin.

  9. Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks also for bringing it back to Tapatalk!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  10. Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Mas okay ba ang tapatalk kaysa sa tsikot mobile app?

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The Big Move: has migrated!