Youth myths about ***

First posted 11:27pm (Mla time) Aug 09, 2005
By Niño Mark M. Sablan
Inquirer News Service

Editor's Note: Published on page C1 of the Aug. 10, 2005 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer

MANY teenagers nowadays remain ignorant and confused about *** due to the lack of accurate and balanced information. Some parents refuse to openly talk about this touchy subject. Other sources out there (friends, ****ography, some parents, etc.) may also provide teeners misleading or incorrect info.

In these times when unwanted pregnancies and STDs are prevalent, being armed with the right information about *** is important. Let 2bU! blast to bits some popular *** myths.

Any man who is still a virgin must be gay

There are still shallow and close-minded people today who believe that any straight guy who is still a virgin must be gay. For them, if a man isn’t macho and doesn’t megaphone his ***capades, he must prefer partners of the same ***. (It’s interesting to note though that there are closeted gay men who flaunt fake straight conquests to delude others into thinking they are straight.) Society may spotlight the stereotypical macho man who has ***
with a different
girl every weekend, but that doesn’t mean the virgin straight male doesn’t exist.

You should have *** if you love the person

Sure, having *** is a way of expressing love for someone, but love yourself as well by making sure that you won’t regret your decisions. Remember that although you may want to prove how much you love your partner by having *** with him, he can also prove his love to you by not pressuring you to do something you’re not ready to do. Love is a strong factor to consider before having ***. But it’s not the only factor.

A girl won’t get pregnant if there is no ‘entry’

Some straight couples just rub their *** organs against each other, thinking that the girl won’t get pregnant if there is no penetration of the vagina by the penis. But pre-cum may enter the vagina so the girl may still get pregnant.

If the guy doesn’t ejaculate, the girl won’t get pregnant

A guy is deluded if he thinks he’s off the hook just because he didn’t ejaculate inside a woman. Even if a man doesn’t ejaculate, there is still what is called pre-cum, which already contains sperm. It is also important to note that most men usually don’t feel the release of pre-cum even with penetration.

Withdrawal method is safe and effective

The withdrawal method is not safe and effective. Contraction of ***ually transmitted diseases is very probable, and pregnancy, too. As we have said, even before ejaculation, there may be pre-cum. Some men withdraw even when wearing a condom. But since condoms may have defects, withdrawal does not lessen the risk of condom failure as well as the risk of pregnancy and of contracting a disease.
A girl can’t get pregnant if she had *** only once

Very untrue. All it takes is one opportunity. A girl can get devirginized and pregnant at the same time. Even without an orgasm, the girl can still get pregnant.

STDs cannot be contracted from having oral ***

The risk is lower with oral *** as opposed to vaginal or anal ***, but one can still contract or pass on ***ually transmitted diseases.

Having *** makes one an adult

Many teenagers rush into *** because they want to be adults. But *** at an early age, especially when one isn’t ready, can bring about regrets, complications and psychological problems.

Source: “Pito Pito, Top 7 Maling Akala Sa ***, A *** Comedy on *** Myths” a standard educational material of the TEENS Healthquarters Franchise Model Project from the Foundation of Adolescent Development, Inc.