The world's largest mobile phone maker Nokia launched three new phones on Tuesday for the forthcoming CeBIT technology fair, including another model with an in-built high-resolution camera.


HELSINKI - The world's largest mobile phone maker Nokia launched three new phones on Tuesday for the forthcoming CeBIT technology fair, including another model with an in-built high-resolution camera.

The Finnish firm has now launched six phones in two weeks, further bolstering its portfolio after a stumble last year when it failed to make enough models with cameras and fold-away design, losing market share to rivals.

Nokia said the 6230i model, which adds a 1.3-megapixel camera to one of its best-selling phones, would cost around 350 euros ($462) and be available in the second quarter. The phone will also have a built-in stereo music player.

The firm's 6021 phone will retail for 200 euros, and also be available in the second quarter, while the third model, the 6030, will cost 150 euros and be out in the third quarter, Nokia said.

CeBIT will take place from March 10-16 in Hanover, Germany.