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  1. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Well the American public has spoken...Dubya Bush got his Vietnam and his party is paying the price...

    Democrats seize control of House

    The Democratic Party has won control of the House of Representatives in the US mid-term elections.
    The White House conceded the Democrats had picked up the 15 net seats needed to wrest power from the Republicans for the first time in 12 years.

    The party is also projected to have won four of six target Senate seats - but overall control is too close to call.

    Correspondents say the Democrat gains reflect voter discontent with the war in Iraq and the Bush administration

    Presidential spokesman Tony Snow said the White House had admitted defeat in the House.

    "We believe Democrats will have control of the House, and look forward to working with Democratic leaders on the issues that remain foremost on the agenda, including winning the war in Iraq and the broader war on terror and keeping the economy on a growth path," he said.

    President George W Bush has scheduled a news conference for 1800 GMT.

    The speech will provide the first clue as to whether Mr Bush intends to compromise with his newly powerful opponents or fight them, the BBC's Justin Webb in Washington says.

    Analysts say control of the House will allow Democrats to choose to launch inquiries into the handling of Iraq, and could lead to significant changes on domestic issues like taxation and health care.

    A national exit poll for the Associated Press indicated that about two-thirds of people felt Iraq was very important to their vote.

    Yet even more voters - about 80% - said the economy, government corruption and scandal were very important to their votes, the survey of 8,344 voters said.
    Last edited by Monseratto; November 8th, 2006 at 07:22 PM.

  2. Join Date
    Sep 2006
    It's About Time! :-)

  3. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    It was bound to happen, especially with their handling of the Iraq issue.

  4. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hehe, I guess Kerry's stupid statement didn't cause that much damage.

  5. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    In two years time, maybe babalik na si Hillary sa White House...Ultimate Shame for the Republicans...

  6. Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hillary is the devil...........

  7. Join Date
    Mar 2005
    kelan ba aalis si bush para bumaba na presyo ng gasolina

  8. Join Date
    Feb 2005
    its payback time!
    i hope the dems impeach bush like what the republicans did to clinton

  9. Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Hillary's comeback to the White House is in the horizon. Are we witnessing a first in US politics?

    Bill remains to be a very influential and charming person in the US and worldwide......


  10. FrankDrebin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CVT View Post
    Hillary's comeback to the White House is in the horizon. Are we witnessing a first in US politics?

    Bill remains to be a very influential and charming person in the US and worldwide......

    So, who will be the next "Monica"?

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Democrats Win Big in US Election