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  1. Join Date
    May 2011
    with today's shortage of skilled workers, our country still belittles and give less priority to training our workforce. our number 1 export by far is manpower which was accelerated by the export of workers to the middle east. sure, almost every family who can afford to send their kids to college do so. but there are just too many college grads ending up as salesclerks. our government should invest in vocational and technical training. america herself was built by skilled workers then. now, american kids are too busy being vain, spending so much time in sports and electronic games. the filipino ingenuity needs to come alive again if we want to stop sending our college grads outside the country working as maids and club entertainers

  2. Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by mina_nuka View Post
    with today's shortage of skilled workers, our country still belittles and give less priority to training our workforce. our number 1 export by far is manpower which was accelerated by the export of workers to the middle east. sure, almost every family who can afford to send their kids to college do so. but there are just too many college grads ending up as salesclerks. our government should invest in vocational and technical training. america herself was built by skilled workers then. now, american kids are too busy being vain, spending so much time in sports and electronic games. the filipino ingenuity needs to come alive again if we want to stop sending our college grads outside the country working as maids and club entertainers

    with the amount of dissatisfaction, frustration and mistrust of the automotive service industry, and to reduce air pollution, the country needs to invest in automotive service training, retraining and certifications in a national level. the schools then, to maintain the quality, content and currency in teaching, need to compete nationally in a skills competition. this have been done in the united states: and the winner among the states get to compete internationally. this way, it also comes with pride and value for training and certifications.

vocational/technical schools and training