Something to laugh about... and to think someone got her to be their spokeswoman.

Hilton wore the clothes at commercial and photo shoots for Century Properties, the real-estate firm that brought Paris in to design the Beach Club for Azure, the beachfront residential property the company is developing in Parañaque.

Would you buy a used car from Paris Hilton? As our Magic 8 ball used to say, "Outlook not so good." According to a recently released poll by Ipsos, a whopping 60% of Americans don't trust her.

Hilton was found to be the absolute least trustworthy celeb, beating out other morally questionable folks like Charlie Sheen (52% unfavorable), Britney Spears (45% unfavorable), and Kanye West (45% unfavorable). Others on the bottom of the list of unpopular personalities: Arnold Schwarzenegger (44%), Tiger Woods (42%), Kim Kardashian (38%), Mel Gibson (33%), Donald Trump (31%), and LeBron James (29%).

According to Ipsos, four of the bottom ten celebs (Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears) "are more widely disliked by women than they are by men." The rest are relatively evenly disliked by both genders.

The poll is more than just a "Mean Girls"-like popularity contest. The results can have an effect on which celebrities companies choose to endorse their products. To that end, you can expect Betty White to be a highly coveted pitch-woman in the years to come. The "Golden Girls" star was ranked as America's most trusted celebrity.