[SIZE=4]牛 Ox [/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Born in: 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997[/SIZE]

Those who are born in the year of the Ox are quiet. The Ox is hardworking, he is slow but steady. The Ox is resourceful, ask him a question and the answer will be delivered without fail. The Ox is adaptable in any environment, it makes no different between a luxurious apartment or a makeshift hut. An Ox is a royal and honest friend. Those who being friend with an Ox, they feel secure. The Ox can never keeps up with the latest fashion. Due to he slow personality, he always old-fashioned. Stubbornness is the trademark for the Ox. As the saying goes: Sometimes is easier to shift the mountain than changing the mind of an Ox. At times, Ox is defensive and quick-tempered.

Word of advice: Don’t worry, be happy

The Ox likes: Tradition, Appreciation, Organisation, Sobriety and Routine
The Ox dislike: Gimmicks, Parties, Gossip, Laziness and Being Teased

[SIZE=4]Your Luck In Year 2005[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Overall Forecast[/SIZE]
This is a great year for Ox. Everything looks bright and positive. There will be unexpected inheritance along the way, no matter what you do. Even with your good fortune, you should stick to your principles. Being wayward or taking short cuts will exhaust your resources and even induce ongoing lawsuits.

Your good luck in general will benefit your career and Ox students will achieve outstanding results. You will receive help when you need it most, either in study, job search or entrepreneurship. Though there may be hiccups, you will fulfil your goals in the end. Bear in mind to be modest and cautions when this happens for bragging is an adversary to your career. Also, set your goals beforehand or you will exhaust your energy and resources and induce unnecessary conflict.

Your love luck is relatively weak because you simple don’t have time to handle relationships. Conflicts and misunderstandings will arise and these will let will let you down and cause loneliness but everything will still be stable in general, just be calm and patient and things will resolve eventually. Don’t over socialize and pay more attention to your family. There will be disagreements between couples over finance. It will take sincere communication to solve this. Being emotional will only make things worse. .

Your luck will fluctuate but it remains satisfactory in general. It is similar to your career luck in that both need to identify goals clearly. Don’t give up easily when changes happen. Persistence will provide an unexpected happy ending. Be careful of new friends. It is always wise to protect yourself. Stay out of others’ business and avoid providing monetary support to strangers. You may lose more than you can afford.